☆~Izuku Midoriya~☆

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Requested by: https-selena

(Hope this is good lol)

I. Fucking. Hate. Mannequins.
They're terrifying for no reason.

Oh, and I wanna do a hc chapter, but I don't know who to do it for so uh... someone please tell me a character to that for 'cause I can't think of one.

----------- ☆~°¤ | More Than Love | ¤°~☆ ------------

The pencil slowly scratches across the paper, trying its hardest to bring life to something that doesn't exist.

Drawing a human that has lost its form. Something unrecognizable when compared to a human. You'd think it were a monster if you didn't know who it was.

But it's not a monster.

This is a very real person.

His name is Eijiro Kirishima, someone known for using the word "manly" almost every time he speaks, having dyed red hair, apparently dying his eyebrows, having a quirk you can make boner jokes with, respecting women, and being about as straight as a scholastic book fair bendy pencil.

But the question is... does he know someone's drawing him...?

No, he doesn't.

Izuku Midoriya is a journalist. He'd always wanted to be a Hero, but he was never able to, because of him not having a quirk. He doesn't know why he decided to become a journalist instead, it just... happened.

Izuku didn't know what to do with his life at this point. Not like when he was in middle school, no, this was different. He was making enough money to  live comfortably, and he enjoyed his job, but... there was just something... missing in his life. And nothing could fix it, no matter how hard he tried.

But then, he met Eijiro. It's not like everything was magically fixed when he met Eijiro, though... but Izuku definitely felt... something when he saw him.

He looked down at his notebook, where he'd been drawing, looking at the completed sketch. He sighed, slipped his notebook into his bag, and stood up from his seat.

Maybe love is what was missing from his life? But... this is more than love.

On a scale from "little crush" to "dangerously obsessed", Izuku's getting close to the "dangerously obsessed" side of the scale...

He's memorized everything about Eijiro, he has pictures of him pinned up in his room, he is all Izuku thinks about all day, aside from his work.

And about that last part, "aside from his work"... even that's not exactly true.

He took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

"You can do this, Izuku. Just pretend you don't know literally everything about him. Super simple!" Izuku encouraged himself quietly.

Eventually, the door was opened by the man with the spiked up red hair that Izuku had been obsessing over.

"Oh! Hey there!" Eijiro politely greeted the Izuku who was, to him, a complete stranger.

"Hi! You're the Sturdy Hero, Red Riot, right?" Izuku asked. Eijiro nodded, and Izuku pulled out a pen. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, a journalist from [SOME GENERIC NEWSPAPER NAME], and I'm supposed to be doing a story on you, a-and your daily life!" Izuku paused, and nervously looked away. "If that's ok with you, of course..."

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