☆~Hitoshi Shinsou & Shouto Todoroki~☆

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Requested by: Bodyboutique

I liked the way I ended this, might make a part 2 at some point

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Your Paradise | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"Huh? Did I... hear you right?"

"Yep." Shinsou responded. "I don't want to do it, but my mom told me it'd be a good way to 'strengthen bonds with my classmates' or some shit like that." Shinsou explained, doing air quotes.

"Oh, ok then... I guess I'll come over." You said.

"Great. Meet me outside after school, we'll head to my place together, along with one other person..."

After school, you made your way outside, and waited for Shinsou.

You readjusted your bag again.

God, your back hurt... you walk to and from school everyday, and it's a nice walk, but... you have so much stuff in your bag... you can't wait to get somewhere you can sit down.

Eventually, Shinsou came.

"Hi Shinsou!" You said, waving.

"Jeez, he's not here yet?" Shinsou asked.

"Huh? Who's not here?" You asked. Shinsou sighed in disappointment, as if he'd already told you and you forgot.

"Todoroki. I invited him too, since he's super fuckin easy to talk to given how he barely talks, but he's not here." Shinsou said, annoyed at Todoroki being late.

"Why'd you invite Todoroki, out of everyone you could've chosen?"

"Same reason I chose you, (Y/N). You're both antisocial and almost never talk, and given the fact that I didn't want to do this, I thought it'd be a good idea to invite you two specifically." Shinsou explained.

Damn, he's an evil genius.

Eventually, Todoroki arrived as well.

"Um... I know why Shinsou invited you, but..." you had a question on your mind, so now's a good time to ask. "Todoroki, why'd you agree to come?"


"He beat the shit out of me accidentally and thought he owed me a favour." Shinsou explained.

"How do you accidentally do something like that???" You asked.

"Oh no, it was absolutely on purpose." Todoroki added.

"THAT'S EVEN WORSE THAN BEATING HIM UP 'ACCIDENTALLY'." You said, not understanding how Todoroki was so blunt about, in Shinsou's words, beating the shit out of someone.

"Oh, is it?" Todoroki asked you.


"...interesting." Todoroki responded. "Anyways, I heard it was going to rain later, so we should get going."

"Yeah, let's head out." Shinsou said, walking off. "You two just follow me, I'll show you where to go."

You three walked, until Shinsou walked up to a certain house, and Shinsou rang the doorbell.

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