♤~Katsuki Bakugou~♤

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234


----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Fuck soulmates | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

Everybody has a soulmate, someone that person is destined to fall in love with.

Once a year, a special ceremony is held. The Festival of the Red String, celebrated on the one day a year the red string is visible to the human eye.

This ceremony, this festival, it's very important... after all, it is the one day out of the year you can find your true love...

Normally, the moment two soulmates find each other, they're basically already married!

Of course, there is the possibility of someone refusing their soulmate... but that's extremely rare. It almost never happens...

Midoriya walked through the featival, alone.

He felt really anxious about meeting the person he's gonna spend the rest of his life with...

He walked past all the happy couples who had found each other, wondering who his string would lead him to.

And then, someone ran into him.

"S-sorry about that..." Midoriya said, standing up from the ground, wondering who had slammed into him.

"Yeah, whatever." A voice he recognized well said.

"Oh. Hi, Kacchan." He said, annoyed. It was the boy who had tormented him throughout his entire childhood. They hadn't seen each other in two years, since they went to different high schools. "You here to start bullying me again?"

"Didn't mean to run into you." Bakugou said. "If I could, I would've avoided you like the plague." He explained raising his hand. "I was just following my string, so how about you move outta the way and let me-"

Then, Midoriya and Bakugou realized something.

Oh. Oh no.

Apparently, they were soulmates.

Somehow, they were supposed to spend their lives together.

"Oh." Bakugou said, looking at the string that tied the two of them together. "In that case, I'm sorry for, uh... everything. I guess."

Midoriya was not an idiot, he knew he could never let this happen.

"Are you kidding me?! There's no WAY I'm accepting this!!" He yelled.

"Too bad, I guess... it's destiny or whatever, already decided." Bakugou shrugged. "I guesss we're-"


"Not really, it'll probably take a long time for you to forgive me-"

"I'M NEVER FORGIVING YOU!" He continued yelling. "I'm not accepting you as my soulmate. I don't care if I never fall in love, I'll never love you."

Midoriya yanked his hand back, and then...

The string... snapped.

After realizing what he had just done, Midoriya stood there in shock for a moment. Then, seeing everyone was staring at him, he turned and ran.

He ran away from the festival, just wanting tonight to be over already.

When he got home, he slammed the door shut.

"Oh, Izuku, you're home early..." his mom said. "How was the festival?"

"I-it was fine, I guess."

"Why are you so out of breath?" She asked. "Are you ok?"

"Yep! I'm fine! N-nothing happened at all...!" He nervously said. "Nothing, um... nothing happened, a-aside from the fact that..." he slowly raised his hand, showing the broken string. "I... r-refused my soulmate..."

Back at the festival, Bakugou was still in shock. He didn't even know that could happen.

Sure, he knew about people refusing their soulmates, but... he'd never heard of a string breaking before.

He knew why his soulmate had forsaken him, he knew he might've even deserved it.

But that feeling... the feeling of the red string snapping apart... he hated that feeling.

It hurt so badly, but not physically...

He didn't know what to do.

Late into the night, Midoriya heard a knock at the front door.

He opened the door, and the moment he saw who it was, he slammed it shut.


He opened the door a crack, knowing Bakugou probably wouldn't leave him alone until he heard him out.

"De-" Bakugou stopped himself. "Er, Izuku, please just listen to me... I know you have every right to not forgive me, but-"

"No, I'm not forgiving you." Midoriya said.

"I-I'm not even asking you to forgive me anymore!" Bakugou desperately said. "When the string broke, it's just... it hurt. A-and it still does... please, I didn't want any of this, if I had just known you were my soulmate-"

"You're telling me that if you had known I was your soulmate, you wouldn't have bullied me?" Midoriya asked, his arms crossed. "Even if we weren't, you should have never done what you did."

"I know that... I regret everything, I swear." Bakugou said.

"...no you don't."

Before Bakugou could say anything else, Midoriya slammed the door in his face.

For once, their roles had been reversed.
Bakugou was the one left crying, and Midoriya felt satsfied.

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