☆~Eijiro Kirishima~☆

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Gn everybody. I shall haunt you while you sleep 😊

----------- ☆~°¤ | Photos | ¤°~☆ ------------

"Come on Kiri!" You whisper-yelled. "They said couples eat free on Valentine's day!"

"But we're not a couple-"

"Yeah, but it's Valentine's day! We should take advantage of this opportunity!"

"But I could easily pay for us-"

"Shhhhhhhhhhut up." You said. "Let's just go inside, lie a bit, and then eat free for a night."

"...yeah, alright."

"Good evening!" The lady at the reception desk said to you. "Table for two, I assume?"

"Yes! Haha, we're... actually a fairly new couple..." you looked both ways, and then whispered "we actually had sex for the first time last night~" Kirishima and the lady both just stared at you, a mix of disgusted and confused.

"Uh, well... congratulations, I guess. I-I'll go get your table ready." She gestured over to an area with a camera and a wall of photos. "Feel free to take a photo together while you wait."


"So... what was that, (Y/N)...?"

"I don't fucking know! I panicked!" You frantically explained.

"Whatever, let's go get our picture taken. That'll make us look like a couple, right? I can only assume they won't be the happiest if they find out we aren't dating..."

You two got your picture taken together, and then enjoyed your free food.

You... you two even ended up kissing as a way to keep the lie...!

A month or so later, while Kiri was out for the week, he asked you to go take care of his doggo. (His own words, not yours)

Via Kiri's instructions, you found his hidden spare key under a very cool looking rock.

You unlocked the door and walked inside, closing the door behind you.

You heard small yapping, and something running. It was a very small dog. A pomeranian, by the looks of it.

"This kinda looks like one of Kiri's friends, honestly." You said, looking down at the angry, barking, tiny dog biting your left ankle.

You walked around the house, looking for the bag of dog food.

While looking around, you saw a slightly open door.

You decided to look inside the room.

"W-what... what the fuck is this...?"

At least a thousand photos of you were pinned up all around the room, covering the walls.

Away from all the others... lit up by a lamp under it... was the picture taken a month ago, of you and Kiri at the restaurant.

You need to know. You need to know what the fuck is going on here.

But... you just can't. It's like you're just... frozen. Like, you want to do something... you want to call Kiri and ask him what the fuck this is, but... you can't....

You're just standing there, completely frozen, trying to process this while a small dog barks at you.


Did Kiri want you to find this room...?

If he didn't, he would have made sure the door was closed.

There's no questioning it.

He wanted you to see this.

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