♤~Shouto Todoroki~♤

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Thank you to everyone who suggested rare Kiri ships. It was very helpful! I have chosen two to make chapters about, this first being Todo x Kiri, and the second... well, I'm keeping it a surprise until it comes out~!

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Heartbreaker | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

The day started like any other does.

Neither of the two boys knew what would happen today.

Neither of them knew what horrible things would happen today.

"Ashido, can I speak with you for a moment?"

"Hm? Yeah, sure you can, Todoroki! 'Sup?"

Todoroki leaned close to her, and whispered so that no one would hear.

"You're a friend of Kirishima's, correct?" He asked. "Because I was wondering... if you could tell me what he likes... like, things he's into."

"Ooh~! Why would you of all people be asking that, I wonder~?" Ashido playfully asked.

"Tell anyone and I'll freeze you to the ceiling until so much blood rushes to your head that you pass out, but..." he took a deep breath, before revealing his intentions. "I was... planning on asking him out." Ashido gasped excitedly.

"I knew it!" She yelled while still whispering. "You're in love! In that case, can I call you Todo-dokidoki? You know, 'cause you're in love and all that~?"

"I wasn't kidding about freezing you to the ceiling, Ashido." Todoroki told her, clearly not liking the nickname.

"Got it." She said, slightly worried for herself. "So, things that Kirishima likes, huh? Um... basically anything that's red, sharks, Crimson Riot, anything 'manly'..." she paused to think. "That one show, I can't remember it's name, but it was something like Joe's Unconventional Travels, I think... oh, he also really likes meat, and he likes dogs too, and also Bakugou-"

After saying that, she slapped her hands on her mouth.

"...what was that, Ashido...?"

"U-uh, it was nothing! I-I didn't say anything! Absolutely nothing!"

"I swore I heard you say Bakugou's name." Todoroki said, wanting to believe he heard her wrong. Ashido breathed a defeated sigh.

"I promised Kiri that I'd keep it a secret, but I guess I can't anymore..." she took a deep breath, preparing to break the bad news to Todoroki. "Kirishima's dating Bakugou."

And in that instant,  he felt his heart break into a thousand tiny pieces that can't be put back together.

"I-it's ok, Todoroki!" Ashido tried reassuring him. "You know what they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea!"

"But... I'm not fishing, Ashido." Todoroki said. "This was my only chance at love, and now... it's gone."

"That's not true! Lot's of people like you! Um, I'm single!" She suggested. "And so is Yaoyorozu, and Iida, and Aoyama, and Kaminari, and-"

"I appreciate it, Ashido, but..." he didn't know how to finish his sentence in a way she'd understand. "You don't have to help me. Because it's just as I thought. Love is useless and has no place in this world."

And then, he left to get ready for the day.

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