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Another one where you are a small little child

Also, this chapter was inspired by something my little sister said.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Big Brother | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"What's that sound...?"

He heard something that sounded like... a kid crying.

He walked into the alleyway he heard the crying coming from.

There, he saw the source of the sound. A little girl, looking to be no older than three years old.

She was gravely injured, and was bleeding a lot.

"Maybe I should put this poor kid out of her misery." He said to himself, preparing to burn the child to death. Sure, burning alive would be extremely painful, but it would be faster than bleeding to death.

He reached his hand out, ready to end this unfortunate child's suffering...

But for some reason he didn't.

He didn't kill her.

He just stopped, with his hand near her face.

For some reason, he... he just felt like he couldn't kill her.

For some unknown reason, this kid reminded him of someone he knew a long time ago.

He lifted up the kid's bloody shirt, and looked at her multiple wounds.

"Wow, those look pretty bad..." he said. They looked to be stab wounds, and they seemed pretty deep. "What kind of miserable bastard would stab a three-year-old?"

He picked up the child, stroking the back of her head, trying to calm her down, at least a bit.

"Just hold on a bit longer, I'll get you some help."

He didn't know why he did that.

Maybe it was because he felt bad for this horribly injured kid... this horribly injured kid, with no one to save her... no one to help with her injuries... no one to care for her... no one to hear her cry... no one to assure her that she won't die cold and alone...

Maybe it was because she reminded him of...


No, that can't be it.

He took her back to the place he'd been staying, and cleaned her wounds, preparing to cauterize them.

"This might hurt a lot..." he informed her.

He placed his hand on the area of her stomach with the multiple stab wounds, and slowly started burning the wounds.

"You don't talk much, do you?" He asked, pulling his hand away, looking at the burnt skin and sealed wounds. "What's your name?"

"It's (Y/N)..." the small girl responded.

"Who's that?" Shigaraki asked, pointing at (Y/N), who was quietly standing in the room the rest of the League was in.

"No one important." Dabi responded, just wanting to focus on the actual conversation.

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