♤~Todoroki Family & Hawks~♤

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234


----------- ☆~°+*¤ | De-aged | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"Your group... they've been causing a lot of problems for us recently..." He began, throwing his arm to the side. "What was it called again...?"

"We don't have a name, I thought you'd realize that? Big bro Aku told us that Villains don't need a name to be dangerous, so we don't have one." The girl in front of him said.

"Yeah, but you do need to be a bit older to be intimidating." He continued, preparing his attack. "Everyone in your group seems to be teenagers, and you... you're a child. You don't look more than ten years old at most, shouldn't you be in school?"

"What's school?" The girl asked, dodging the blast of blue fire. "I've never been."

"Cut the shit, kid. Just tell me your group's name already."

"Like I said, we don't have a name." She continued. "Also, you left an opening for me!"

Then, the girl slapped Dabi on the arm.


"Pft, was that supposed to be an attack?" He asked. "Because I hate to break it to you, but it didn't-"

Then, a strange feeling coursed through his body. It felt like parts of his brain was melting, and he couldn't keep himself up.

He fell to the ground, holding his head in pain...... God, it felt like his body was being torn apart...

"Wha... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!" He asked as the feeling got worse, turning his head slightly to look at the little girl. She smiled as if she were in a horror movie.

"Oh, you'll know soon enough~" She laughed evilly, and walked off.

"H-HEY! GET BACK HERE! I WANT ANSWERS YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He demanded as the haze in his mind began to grow even more.

Who... who is this kid? Why is he fighting her? What's going on...?

"Have fun~!" She said, before yelling for her teammate. "NOW, TETSUMURA!!"

Then, Dabi was hit over the head with a large piece of metal.

"Wow..." Tetsumura said, looking at the body. "I've never seen you use your quirk before, Imouto. You can... really do that to a person?"

"Mhm! I'm pretty powerful for a kid my age, huh?"

As the two teammates talked, a red feather suddenly shot into the area, and picked up Dabi by his coat, and then dragging him off into the sky.

"I came here at just the right time, huh?" Hawks asked, holding Dabi in his arms. Then, once he got a good look at the body he was holding, he realized. "Oh... well that's probably not the best thing that could have happened..."

He looked so peaceful like this... it would almost look like he was sleeping if it weren't for the extremely bloody head injury.

He looked so peaceful... is this really the same arsonist Hawks was familiar with? That's just... so hard to believe.

"I should probably get him to the hospital..." he said to himself, as he carried Dabi through the air. "And given the, uh... situation... maybe I should tell Endeavor about this."

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