☆~Juzo Honenuki~☆

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Guess who's finally watching season 5? That's right, me!

That being said, this idea came from something I was thinking of while watching season 5.

----------- ☆~°¤ | Dead Sea | ¤°~☆ ------------

As you run, your foot suddenly falls into the concrete. You didn't step in wet cement, no, the ground just became... softer.

"Got ya, (Y/N)."

"Yeah yeah, just pull me out already." You said, slightly annoyed.

Honenuki grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the very softened concrete.

You started thinking something...

"Hey, Honenuki..." You began as he hardened the ground again. "Do you think... do you think you could kill someone with your quirk?"

"Kill someone?" He asked, slightly laughing. "How would I do that?"

"Well... you know, you can swim in the mud, right?" You asked. "And you need that breathing device, right? And people can fully sink in... so hypothetically... you could make someone fully sink into the ground, harden it again, and just leave them to suffocate."

"Jesus (Y/N), those are some dark thoughts..." He said, looking unsettled.

"Aha, that's just how I am." You said, shrugging while smiling.

Something you didn't know, though...

Honenuki had done that exact thing to... a few people, actually.

Specifically people he knew had hurt you.

So is it a good thing...?

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