☆~Tenya Iida~☆

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Requested by: xXxKeebo_Simp15xXx

So, the first mha movie is on Netflix (or at least Canadian Netflix) and... I realized something while watching it.

Uh... Bakugou clearly has to have something detonate his sweat. (As seen in the scene with him and Todoroki where Todoroki detonates it) So... what is it?

☆~°¤ | Lies From A Rich Man | ¤°~☆

You fell to your knees.

This is... hopeless.

You can't outrun Iida.




You sat there on the sidewalk, and waited for him to catch up with you.

"Huh? Hey, you, you ok?" Someone asked. You looked up, and saw a blonde man with grey eyes.

"I'm fine..."

"Oh don't lie like that, you're obviously not." He said to you. "What's wrong?"

"If I tell you, you'll just end up dying." You said, sighing.

"Oh, are you one of those bitches?" He asked. "What's wrong? Nothing, I'm fine. And then minutes later you're like, why didn't you help me?! No, fuck that. Tell me what's going on. Something's clearly bothering you."

"I was kidnapped, and I remembered that everything is hopeless, I can't escape since I can't outrun him, so I'm just waiting for him to catch up with me..." you said. The man sighed.

"Well that's not gonna get you anywhere." He opened the door to a car he was standing beside. "Here, get in. This is my car, I'm sure whoever he is can't outrun a car."

Suddenly, you felt a small spark of hope.

You stood up, and got yourself in the car. The man got in as well, and put his keys in the ignition.

"I was just about to head home. If you need somewhere to stay, you could stay with me." He looked at you. "Name's Neito Monoma, by the way!"

"Um... (Y/N) (L/N)." You responded.

"Hey, (Y/N), is there anywhere specific you wanna go? You don't have to stay with me." Monoma told you.

"N-no, I'd prefer to stay with you. I... I don't think he knows who you are, or where you live, so... if it's not a bother to you, I'd like to stay with you." You quietly said.

"Yeah, that's fine. By the way, who is this mysterious kidnapper? Like, what's his name?"

"... Tenya Iida."

"I-Iida...?" Monoma asked, shocked. "No... no, it's fine. He doesn't know where I live... I doubt he even remembers I exist." He said to himself, nervously.

So, you stayed with Monoma for a few days.

And one day, the door was busted down.

"H-HEY, WHAT THE HELL?!" Monoma asked in surprise.

Then, he was pinned down by someone you knew well.

"Neito Monoma, you're under arrest for kidnapping (Y/N) (L/N)." It was Iida.

"Wait... no, I... I-I didn't do anything!!" Monoma desperately said.

"Monoma, I've known you were clearly insane ever since I first met you, but stooping this low?" Iida asked, putting him in handcuffs. "Maybe I should have you sent to a mental hospital."

"One: I didn't kidnap (Y/N). And two: even if I did, you can't send me to a mental hospital for that!"

"Actually, I can." Iida whispered. "I have money. I have power, Monoma. I've lied my way to getting the police to arrest you, I can lie my way into making people think you have a mental disorder."

As you watched everything happen, you started talking to the other people in the room.

"N-no! You've got this wrong! Monoma's completely innocent!"

... nobody believed you.

Your tiny spark of hope had been extinguished.

And you were back where you started.

With Iida.

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