☆~Main Trio~☆

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Requested by Kamiko_1234

Holy shit I'm having stew for dinner and I've never been this excited to have stew

Oh, and also... uh, next chapter, I won't say too much about it, but like... Kami's gonna do some stuff 👀

----------- ☆~°¤ | Robots | ¤°~☆ ------------

Robots exist, first created in the late 1970s!

And robots have advanced a lot! Going from just looking like machines, to the kind you'd see in an old sci-fi movie (a very old one, at that), to looking kinda human, to... basically looking exactly like a normal human. Impressive!

When they were first introduced to the world, uh... people didn't exactly want a machine that could possible kill people in their homes.

But nowadays, it's basically unheard of to not own a robot. In fact, your father owns three that work at his restaurant. One does the cooking and the other two are waiters.

... a lot of people, including your father, are very... well, mean, to their robots. It's not a human, so it's ok that I hit it. It's not a human, so it's ok that I scream at it. It's not a human, so it's ok that I don't call it by its name. It's not a human, so it's ok that I leave it to die on the side of the road.

You though... you couldn't help but be nice to these machines. You'd say please, and thank you, and sorry...  and you had names for the three robots your dad owned, Katsuki, Shouto, and Izuku. Other people think you're stupid for being so nice to the robots, since they don't have 'real feelings'. You felt a bit dumb, having everyone say that to you...

But, you just kept insisting: "They look like humans, talk like humans, think like humans, so they should be treated like humans! Right...?"

Everyone just kept telling you how dumb you were. And... maybe you were. Maybe it was stupid to treat a robot like a human.

You were starting to think that last night.

Then, this morning...

When you looked out the window, you saw... you... you saw... so many corpses outside.

You turned on your phone, wanting to convince yourself that this isn't real. Maybe you'll see someone's photo, and find out you're just hallucinating.

You were met with an alert. Country wide robot uprising. Seek shelter immediately.

What...? No, this can't be real! This has to be a nightmare, right?

You heard something trying to open your door.

You started panicking.

Even though you knew it wouldn't do anything to protect you, you moved some things out of the way, and hid under your bed.

The door creaked open,  something stepped in your room.

"(Y/N)...?" It asked for you. "You're alive, right? You haven't been taken out yet? I want the pleasure of killing you myself~"

"Stop scaring her, we'll never get her to reveal herself like that, Katsuki."


"Ugh, ignore those two, (Y/N)! Just... c-come on! You've been so nice to us, you... y-you're not... scared of us... right...?"

You didn't want to say anything... you don't want to die... well, you do, but... not like this. Not like this...

"Alright that's it. (Y/N), GET OUT HERE NOW, OR I'LL-"

"Can't you ever just shut up for once?"

"Shouto! Don't say that!"

"You agree though, don't you?"

"Well I... I-I won't say I do, since I don't feel like dying.."

"I'm right here, you know?"

"Yes, I know, we just both don't care."

"Wow. How useless am I that you two just ignore me?"

"We aren't ignoring you, Kacchan! Well, Shouto is, but... you don't care about Shouto! Why would you care if he was ignoring you?!"

"You should know better than anyone I don't like people pretending I don't exist. Anyways, even with how completely utterly obviously useless I am, I just found (Y/N)."

You were yanked out from under the bed by a cold hand. Not cold as in 'cold', cold as in 'this has no blood in it'.

You're about to die. You're going to die, and there's nothing you can do about it.

But... you didn't.

You weren't killed, for some reason.

"We're so glad you're alive!" Izuku excitedly told you. "We were worried the others got you!"

"You're probably the last living human in the country." Katsuki told you, as if it were obvious.

"W-what?!" You asked. Like, you saw the bodies outside, but... you are the last human alive in the entire country...?

"You were always so good to us, (Y/N)." Shouto said to you. "We're gonna keep you alive."

"Yeah, but uh..." Izuku nervously smiled. "You... well... no one else... knows... that... we decided to let you live." He nervously laughed.

"If you ever leave, the others will most likely kill you, even if we try telling them how good a person you are, chances are, they'll still kill you. Without hesitation. Brutally. The opposite of quick and painless. Slow and very painful." Shouto explained.

"Oh, ok... I mean, this is kinda hard to accept, but like... I don't really go outside anyways."

If you were the last living human in the country, you'd die.

But luckily... you have three robots with you, who will do anything to see you survive.

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