♤~Yosetsu Awase~♤

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Alright, confession time.
Nothing too bad, but it's kinda embarrassing.

In my grade 9 English class, for one of our projects, we had to create our own short story. So obviously, I was like "fuck yeah I love writing this'll be so easy" but conveniently I couldn't come up with any ideas.

So I asked my teacher if I had to read my story out loud to the class when our project was done, and she told me no, so you know what I did?

I... I may have written a short Fantasy AU Kiribaku fanfic.

(If enough people want it I might consider publishing it)

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"Hey, Yaomomo, you alright?" Jirou asked.

"Me? Oh, y-yes I'm fine." Yaoyorozu responded. "I'm just a bit... stressed, that's all."

"Really? What's bothering you?"

"It's nothing, I don't want to bother you with my troubles."

"Really?" Jirou asked, receiving a confirming thumbs up from Yaoyorozu. "Ok then."

It would have ended better if she told Jirou.

Maybe things would have ended differently.

"Oh, it's starting to rain..." Yaoyorozu said to herself, looking up at the sky while walking to school.

She made herself an umbrella, and continued walking.

"That's a cute umbrella, Yaomomo~!" A slightly familiar voice said from behind her.

Yaoyorozu turned around in shock, and calmed down once she realized who it was.

"Oh, Awase..." She said, putting her hand on her chest, feeling her own heartbeat.

"So weird though!" He said. "I had no idea we walked the same route to school! I mean, I usually leave a lot later, but I got up early today, so this is a fun surprise! Knowing that we walk the same way, I might get up early more..."

"Yeah, weird..." Yaoyorozu said, uncomfortably.

"Why don't we walk to school together?"

"I-I'd prefer not to..." she continued.

"Huh? Uh, why not?" Awase asked.

"I just don't feel like it, ok?" Yaoyorozu told him, before trying to run off.

Awase grabbed her hand, and suddenly, she couldn't get away from him.

"I said: why don't we walk to school together." He said aggressively. He thought she might not want to, so he prepared in advance. He'd been holding a piece of metal in his hand this whole time, and when he grabbed Yaoyorozu's hand, he welded the two of them together.

"I... I g-guess we can..." Yaoyorozu said, feeling much more uncomfortable now.

Things progressively got worse...

And worse...

And worse.

But, even though Awase was making her uncomfortable, she didn't want to bother anyone.

What if this isn't wrong? What if she's overexaggerating this situation in her head?

What if this is completely normal, and she just thinks Awase is being strange towards her...?

If she had just told someone, maybe she wouldn't be in this situation right now.

If she had just told someone, maybe she would still be living a normal life.

If she had just told someone, maybe Jirou and Todoroki would still be alive.

If she had just told someone, maybe she wouldn't have been held captive in a basement for a year.

If she had just told someone, maybe she wouldn't have had a child.

If she had just told someone, maybe that would've gotten Awase away from her.

If she had just told someone, then none of this would be happening.

But, whenever she tried to, that doubt resurfaced in her mind.

"What if I'm making this a bigger deal than it actually is?"

And whenever she tried to, she stopped herself from doing so.

And because of that doubt...
Her entire life was ruined.

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