☆~Hitoshi Shinsou~☆

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Requested by: KimariStevens

(I'm gonna use a different symbol in the name when it's character x character from now on, specifically a spade symbol)

No real text today, just this:

But speaking of having just an image and no real text, uh

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But speaking of having just an image and no real text, uh... would you guys be interested in a face reveal some time...? I'm not saying I'll actually do it, but... if you're interested... I might do it...

----------- ☆~°¤ | Free Will | ¤°~☆ ------------

"Kaminari, what are you afraid of...?" Shinsou asked.

He knew better at this point. He shouldn't answer Shinsou's question. If he wants to keep his free will, that is.

So, Kaminari kept his mouth shut.

"You don't want to answer...? That's fine. I know ways to make you answer."

Kaminari wanted to give a dumb comeback, but... that would still be answering him.

"Come on, Kaminari~" Shinsou grabbed Kaminari's bicep. "You know you want to answer me.  I can tell you're just dying to answer me, aren't you, Kaminari~?"

Kaminari slapped Shinsou's hand away from his arm.

"Oh...?" Shinsou looked shocked, and slowly pulled his hand away. "If that's how you want to play..."

Shinsou slapped him across the face, so hard he fell to the groung.

Kaminari yelled out in pain, but nothing more.

"Come on, JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY!" Shinsou started kicking Kaminari in the stomach. "I WON'T STOP UNTIL YOU BEG ME TO STOP! SO JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY, WILL YOU~?"

Kaminari knew in his mind... he won't answer Shinsou, even if he almost died.

He was always scared of the idea of dying. He didn't like using his quirk to the point of him going braindead, because... it felt like he was dead. He felt nothing, he saw nothing. He never knew why he never actually died after overuse, but it doesn't matter anymore. It's not like he can use his electrification anymore...

Shinsou kept kicking Kaminari, harder, harder, and harder... he kept kicking until Kaminari started spiting up blood.

"Answer me already." Shinsou demanded.

Kaminari wiped the blood from his lips, glaring at Shinsou angrily, trying to say I won't answer no matter what.

"Fine. I guess you won't answer me, huh?" Shinsou dropped to the ground, and layed down beside Kaminari. "I guess I lose. I don't care that you don't answer. "

Kaminari quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That is, unless you want to answer me~?" Shinsou asked, moving his hands down to Kaminari's waist.

No, no... he's not about to do this.

He can't be.

But he was. Shinsou was about to do exactly what he knew would get Kaminari to answer him.

"I know this has happened to you before. You don't want it to happen again, do you?"

Shinsou was about to forcefully pull down the shorts Kaminari was wearing.

"SHINSOU STOP!" Kaminari finally yelled.

And just then...

He forfeited all control of his body to Shinsou.

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