☆~Hitoshi Shinsou~☆

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

I wonder if anyone will recognize that pic

Also, maybe cweepy Tamaki chapter coming soon??? So maybe look out for that??

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Birthday | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

You've always loved taking things apart. Maybe that's why you entered the support course?

Of course, your part in the support course also had to do with you not having a quirk but still wanting to help people.

"I-I'm here! I'm here!" You yelled, bursting through the classroom door.

"... you're late again, (Y/N)." Your teacher said, disappointed in you.

You felt a bit... absent-minded today.

Today... you were planning on talking to... him. That boy in the Hero course. The one who broke his own fingers to snap himself out of your brother's brainwashing...

You liked him.

And your older (but only by an hour) brother, who has always been a bit overprotective, was... fine with it.

"Yeah, he's strong. He'd definitely be able to protect you."

"Hitoshi, I don't need someone to protect me. I'm gonna be fine."

"I know, I know, I'm just worried for you, that's all...."

You met him after school in the school's courtyard.

And there... you confessed.

"So yeah... I like you." You concluded. "I... really really like you, Midoriya."

"Y-you do...?" He asked.

"Yes... I-I've liked you ever since I saw you fight my brother at the Sports Festival." You admitted.

"I... I don't know what to say, (Y/N)..." he said, looking downward. "I mean, I appreciate it..."


"But I just don't feel the same way..."

When you got home, you locked yourself in your room and watched a show to try to cheer yourself up.

There was a knock on your door.

"Come in." You said, pausing your show.

"Hey (Y/N)..." Hitoshi said, walking in your room. "What's wrong...? You definitely seem more.... depressed... than normal."

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just..." you paused. "I... got rejected."

"Oh. By Midoriya?" He asked. "That's strange... I thought he would have been nice enough to accept."

"I-it's fine, I'll get over it..." you said, wiping your eyes and smiling.

Next week... it was your birthday.

Once it was night, Hitoshi showed you outside.

"(Y/N), you're gonna be so surprised!" He said, happily.


"Mhm! I think I got you... probably the best birthday present ever?" He kind of asked. "You're gonna love it!"

You two walked into the backyard, and there you saw... a comically large gift box. It looks like it'd be big enough to fit a whole person.

"Ok, go ahead and open it, (Y/N)."

You walked up to the box, and pulled off the cardboard lid.

"So... do you like it~?"

What was your present?


It was Midoriya.

He was completely unresponsive, all dressed up like he was going to go on a date, and just... sitting in the box.

"Stand up." Hitoshi commanded. And on that command, Midoriya stood up out of the box.

"H-Hitoshi... what did you do...?" You asked, knowing exactly what he did but not wanting go believe it.

"Well... I was obviously mad that he broke your heart like that, but then I realized that I now had the potential to get the perfect gift." He placed his hands on your shoulders from behind you. "He's completely under my control, I can make him do whatever you want."

"Happy birthday, little sister!"

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