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Requested by: idiotic-geek

Ok, I had no pictures that would fit with the idea for this chapter, so I just used that since I already had it in my camera roll-

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | My defenseless little sister | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"(Y/N)!!" You heard him yell. "(Y/N), get up, you're late for school!"

"I don't care..." you mumbled into your pillow.

"What, do you want to fail school?" He asked.

"No, I just don't want to go today......"

"Why don't you want to go?"

"I just don't." You lied. You knew exactly why you didn't want to go to school today, your entire body hurt because you've been training yourself, but you can't let him know that.

You ended up going to school that day, even though you didn't want to.

"Takami, you're late again." Your homeroom teacher said, sounding disappointed in you.

"Right, sorry..." you said, dejected.

And, even though your entire body hurt, you trained yourself even more after school.

Why are you secretly training yourself?

Well, you want to go to UA, and become a Hero.

Your older brother Keigo, however, doesn't want you to.

He's always been overprotective of you. In his eyes, you would always be his defenseless baby sister.

To be fair, you have been the target of a few Villain attacks before, given that your brother is the #3 Hero, but... that was why you wanted to get stronger! You wanted to get stronger so that Keigo wouldn't have to worry about you anymore! So that he would know you can fend for yourself...

You just don't want him to think you're weak anymore...

The entrance exams are next month.

Whether Keigo wants you to or not, you will be attending.

"Um, Keigo... if I wanted to attend UA, would you let me...?" You asked, eating your chicken nuggies because your brother made dinner tonight. "I-I don't want to, obviously... I just want to know..."

"Are you kidding me?" He asked. "Of course I wouldn't!"

"Oh... right..."

"(Y/N), why would I EVER let you attend UA? You'd die in the exams!" He told you, laughing slightly. "And if you somehow didn't die, I doubt you'd be accepted."

"...you're probably right..." you said to yourself.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, (Y/N)." He said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "I mean, I'm definitely right, but there are lots of other job options out there! You don't have to be a Hero."

Keigo has never wanted you to be a Hero.

When you started living with him rather than your parents, he made that very clear.

One of your friends got you a cool Gang Orca figure for your birthday, and it mysteriously disppeared overnight, you suspect Keigo threw it away.

Anytime you mentioned you wanted to be a Hero like him, he'd shut you down completely.

You've been told multiple times that you'd die on day one.

He just... thinks you're too weak...

You never let him discourage you, though.

In fact, it only fueled your desire to get stronger!

You'll  become a Hero some day, and prove to Keigo that you aren't his defenseless little sister anymore!

And all of that... lead up to yesterday, the day of the UA entrance exams.

You don't know how well you did, but you thought you did pretty good.

You ended up being accepted.

The night before your first day of high school, Keigo entered your room, closing the door behind him.

"Um... w-why are you in my room...?" You cautiously asked. "It's almost midnight, Keigo..."

"You really thought I wouldn't find out, huh (Y/N)?" He asked you.

"F-find out... what...?"

"You think I'm stupid or something?" He started raising his voice. "I found out you somehow got into UA."

"Oh! Did you c-come in here to tell me that you're... proud... of me...?" You nervously asked, knowing that wasn't the answer.

"Of course not, (Y/N). Why would I be proud of you?!" He angrily asked. "You lied to me. You told me you didn't attend that deathtrap of an exam!"

"Yeah, I-I'm sorry, it's just..." you paused for a short second. "I really want to be a Hero like you, Keigo! I want you to know that I'm not defenseless anymore! I'm much stronger now, so you don't have to worry about me so much-"

"You think you're strong?" He asked you. "Why the Hell would you think that, (Y/N)?"

"Well I-"

"Never mind. I already let the staff know that (Y/N) Takami will not be attending UA." Keigo explained. "You're welcome! Your big brother has saved you yet again!"

"Even if you told them I won't be attending, you can't do anything that would force me to not attend..."

"Actually... there is something I can do."

He pulled you out of your bed and pushed you against the wall so that your back was facing him.

Then, he grabbed onto your wings.

You were screaming and crying in pain as blood dripped down your back, as your brother stood above you, smiling, holding your severed wings.

"You're welcome, (Y/N)... I've saved you yet again~"

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