☆~Izuku Midoriya~☆

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Requested by: Why_r_u_running

And also his parents, but mostly him.

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Ungrateful | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

"A young girl named (Y/N) (L/N) disappeared last night. Authorities are searching for her, but so far, no leads have been found."

You were spirited away in the night by a Villain, and you were never seen again.

So what happened to you?

Well, you had been taken to your new home.

You had been adopted into your new family.

Your mother was a woman with long green hair, named Inko.

Your older brother was a boy with a soft round face and dark green hair, named Izuku.

And your father... he had white hair and red eyes, and his name was Hisashi. You didn't know if that was his real name or not, though...

You were scared of them.

The four of you sat at the dinner table together, as if pretending to be a normal family.

"We're so glad you're a part of our family, (Y/N)." Inko began. "Izuku here has been so lonely since Tomura left home..."

"I've been fine, mom." Izuku angrily said. "I don't need a little sister."

"It seems as if Izuku does not accept you yet. It's fine, though." Hisashi glared at his son. "I'll have solved this issue tomorrow."

And for a second, Izuku looked scared.

He got up from his seat, and walked away.

"I suppose there's no changing his mind about these things..." Inko said.

"He is never grateful for anything I do for him." Hisashi said. "I think I shall teach him tonight, along with the... adjusting of his memories." He looked at you, smiling in a way that made you feel uncomfortable. "How old are you, little (Y/N)?"

"I-I'm seven..." you quietly said.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to remember that when I get this issue sorted out."

"Now, (Y/N), why don't you go to your room?" Inko asked. "I see that you've been finished your dinner for a while now."

You got up from your seat, and wandered the house, trying to find where your room was.

Eventually, you came across a room with the door open slightly.

You pushed open the door, wondering what was going on in there.

You saw Izuku kneeling in front of a table with a single candle on it.

You silently watched as the fire from the candle was pulled away from it, and wrapped around Izuku's finger.
After a few seconds of him clearly trying to suppress a scream of pain, his efforts proved useless, and he screamed as the fire returned to the candle.

"Um... a-are you ok...?" You nervously asked him.

"I'M FINE!" He screamed, turning his head to face you, and pointing at you angrily.

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