☆~Denki Kaminari~☆

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Honestly we all slept on how great Mettaton was.

Also, Demon Slayer crossover chapter at some point? 'cause like, I haven't been able to stop thinking about something like that, and if you guys don't think that'd be too cringey, I'll do it :)

(Might edit this later)

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Model | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

The camera flashes and clicks.

"There we go!" Kaminari said, smiling widely. "We still have a few more pictures, so sit tight for a bit longer, 'kay?"

You hated this...

Why did this happen to you?

You're completely naked, bound, gagged, and you're in a cold dark room.

And then, there's Kaminari.

What role does he play in this situation?

Well... he's why you're here.

He likes to think of himself as a "business man", selling things to other people. The things he sells just so happening to be torture porn.

He has his own website, kinda like OnlyFans, except it's owned by him and specifically for pictures and videos of people being tortured.

He refers to you as one of his models.

"That was a good shoot, (Y/N)!" He said in a cutesy voice. "You have another shoot tomorrow, ok? There are some sick people out there... paying so much money just to see someone as beautiful as you all beaten up..." Kaminari said, almost sounding sad. "But I get paid, and one more sicko decides to not kidnap someone and just jerk off to this instead! I'm doing the world a favour!"

Kaminari always tries justifying it in some way.

No matter how he justifies it, though... no matter how much he insists he's doing a good thing...

In the end, he's doing the very thing he says he's trying to prevent.
That being kidnapping and torturing women.

You decided to just go to sleep for the night.

You'll have a long day tomorrow.

You were awoken by having very cold water splashed on you.

"Rise and shine (Y/N)~!! We have a lot to do today! One of my clients has requested a lot of photos, and some videos too!"

Kaminari set up his camera, and grabbed the things he'd need today out of his bag.

"He told me to put you in this." Kaminari said, pulling a small dress out of his bag. "C'mon, stand up!"

You did as asked, and Kaminari untied your hands for a moment. He put the dress on you, but didn't tie up your hands again.

"He also specifically requested you be in handcuffs, so..."

Kaminari prepared you for the photoshoot, a silence between you two.

Eventually, he looked like he felt really guilty, and started talking to you in a tone you'd never heard from him before.

"(Y/N)... I really hope you don't think I enjoy this..." He told you. "From the bottom of my heart, I don't. I just do this in hopes that... that nobody else will have to go through something like this."

If he wanted that, why is he putting you through this...?


That doesn't matter.

Kaminari's as sick and twisted as the people he sells these photos to. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be doing this.

If he wasn't, he wouldn't have killed her.

She was so nice to you, and she was just trying to help her family. She was being tortured completely voluntarily.

How she was able to put herself through that, even for the sake of her family, you'll never know.

She would often treat your wounds in secret so they wouldn't get infected.

And one day, Kaminari caught her helping you.

"Ochako, what are you doing?"
"I'm... I was helping (Y/N)... these wounds looked really bad..."
"I thought I told you not to mess with the other models."
"What, so you're just gonna let her wounds get infected?!"
"People would pay much more for that, so yes, actually. I thought you of all people would like that. The more I get paid, the more you get paid. You want to help your family, don't you, Ochako~?"
"W-well, yes, but-"
"Then step away from (Y/N)."

Kaminari killed her in front of you.

Come to think about it, maybe that was when you stopped crying.

Maybe that was when you became numb.

Maybe that was when you stopped caring about life and death.

Maybe that was when you realized...
You belong to him.
You're something for him to sell.

Maybe that was when you realized that you aren't human anymore.

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