☆~Hitoshi Shinsou~☆

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Requested: Kamiko_1234

If I'm being honest, the picture I used here really reminds me of Coraline.

Oh! I nearly forgot to tell you guys, but...
Mr. Compress chapter coming soon :3

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Married | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

You had some rich parents. Very rich parents. Because of that, you've always gone to special daycares, and private schools, and things like that.

You attended Konrei Private Elementary when you were younger, and so did someone who, unbeknownst to you, would be extremely important to you in the future...

His name was Hitoshi Shinsou, and he seemed to be a very special child. Every teacher looked after him more so than the other students, and when he got hurt (even the slightest bit) all of the teachers would be extremely worried about him, asking him if he was ok multiple times just to make absolutely sure he was ok.

You didn't know too much about him, but he kinda creeped you out...

He often stared at you, as if you were the only thing in the room.

One day, during recess, you and Hitoshi had a fake wedding under the swingset.

Hitoshi was the groom, you were the bride, and Tenya (a friend of yours) played the role of the priest. You two even had cute little plastic rings.

"Um... Hitoshi, I love you a lot! You and I, we're gonna love each other until we die! We're gonna have a family, and we're never gonna get divorced, and we'll love each other forever!!" You excitedly told him, grabbing his hands. Hitoshi smiled sweetly.

"I love you a lot too, (Y/N)!" He told you. "Hey Tenya, are we married yet?"

"Probably...?" Tenya responded, unsure. "But don't kiss each other. We are at school, I don't think you're allowed to."

"EW!" You yelled. "You thought I was gonna kiss Hitoshi?!"

"...well, yes."

"That's disgusting! Hitoshi's a boy!" You yelled, pushing Hitoshi away from you.

"It's ok (Y/N), we don't have to kiss." Hitoshi told you. "We could just hug, if you want."

"Oh. Well if that's the case, I'm fine with that!" You said, giving Hitoshi a hug.

Then, the bell rang.

You let go of him, and ran off, waving to Hitoshi as you ran.

"Bye Hitoshi! See you soon!" You yelled.

Hitoshi moved schools the next day, and you never saw him again.

Or, at least...
You thought you'd never see him again.

Many years later, you were going on a vacation, completely by yourself!

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