♤~All Might & The Dekusquad~♤

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

I have had The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny stuck in my head all week-

----------- ☆~°+*¤ | Rebirth of a Hero | ¤*+°~☆ ------------

This Kingdom, ruled over by King Yagi, is a very peaceful one...

But of course, that wasn't always the case...

There was once an evil mage with the power to steal the magic of others. He and his followers attempted to take over the land... the country's army was useless, and even the best, specially trained warriors coulld do almost nothing to stop this man and his followers.

They were extremely close to completing their goal.

Until, one day, five young Heroes came to defeat this evil.

Ochako, the Beauty; a talented mage, a close personal friend of King Yagi's son.
Shotuo, the Royal; a prince from the neighbouring Kingdom, with complete control over two contridictory forces.
Tenya, the Clever; a knight of the castle, whose family has served the royal family for generations.
Tsuyu, the Merciful; a girl from the village, who showed kindness even to her enemies.
And finally...
There was Izuku, the Hero; the son of the King, who was never able to use magic.

Nobody thought they would succeed, but against all odds...

The Heroes were victorious.

Though, Izuku lost his life in the battle. He gave his life to protect the Kingdom.

The surviving Heroes became well known and highly respected people, the right-hand warriors of the King.

Despite their victory, they had suffered a horrible loss... Prince Izuku, the son of the King and the heir to the throne, was dead...

Izuku Midoriya is an orphaned boy, living in the Kingdom of King Yagi.

He lives at (and partially works for) an orphanage in a small town. He's a hard worker, cares for people, and he hopes to be a powerful warrior someday.

Like all children in the Kingdom, he looked up to the Heroes. His favourite of the Heroes was always Izuku. When he first heard the story, he decided to adopt that name for himself. He didn't know his birth name, so all worked out in the end.

His friends would sometimes tell him that he could be the fith Hero's son, since they were so similar, both in personality and appearance.

Izuku could only laugh at those statements.
"I wish, but that's just impossible..."

He remembered absolutely nothing about his previous life.

"Hey, Hitoshi!" Izuku began. "Are you excited for tomorrow?!"

"What's happening tomorrow?" Hitoshi asked. "Oh right, the four Heroes are coming to the city tomorrow, aren't they? That's cool, I guess."

"How are you not more excited, Hitoshi?!" Izuku asked in disbelief.

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