☆~Togaru Kamakiri~☆

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Requested by: MidnightDonutFox

So. I tend to reference the mha Wiki for basically any info I'm not too sure on. And the other day, I was checking Monoma's page, and it says his eyes are blue?? And I'm just like no? They aren't?? They're pretty clearly grey? I could find one picture where his eyes looked blue in any way, so... I'm just gonna keep saying they're grey.

Also I... don't exactly know this guy's personality too well, so if there's any spots where he acts out of character... that is why. (I tried my best)

(And one last thing, um, today Wattpad has decided to not give me notifications for comments, so... that's annoying...)

----------- ☆~°¤ | They Won't Believe You | ¤°~☆ ------------


You turn around to identify the voice.


You and your classmate stare at each other.

Neither of you said a thing.

"... well, I'd best be going now-" you turned around to leave, but Kamakiri kept talking.

"Hey, (Y/N), we aren't done here." He said, his voice making it sound more like he was demanding you to stay. "I wanted to talk." You slowly turned back around, and saw Kamakiri standing closer than before.

"S-so what are we talking about...?" You nervously asked.

"You know what we're talking about, (Y/N)." He stared at you, his gaze feeling as sharp as the blades he could create. "Earlier today. When you were flirting with Bakugou."

"Wha- that wasn't flirting, Kamakiri!" You yelled. "He called me a bitch and then made fun of my hands!"

Earlier, you and Bakugou had a conversation in the hallway. A very one-sided conversation, that began and ended with Bakugou telling you "I'm gonna win next time, tiny hand-ed bitch." Like, it's not your fault you have small hands! And it's also not your fault that you beat him!

"I've seen how he talks to that boy with the shark teeth, that was flirting." Kamakiri informed you.  You just stood there, fairly confused...

"Ok... sure. However you wanna justify it, it's flirting, to you at least." You shrugged. "But if he clearly has something going on with the redhead... why would he flirt with me." You asked, though it seemed more like a statement.

"Going back to how he acts, he definitely seems like someone who would cheat." He kept insisting. "So why were you two flirting, (Y/N). I want to know."

"We weren't flirting, Kamakiri!" You yelled. "And even if we were, why do you care?!"

"Because I-" he wanted to say something, but it's like he couldn't even force himself to say it. "... forget this. Bye, (Y/N)."

And then he left.

The next day...

Someone had died.

I bet you can guess who.

Yeah, Bakugou died.

Due to the minimal evidence at the scene, the fact that only Bakugou's fingerprints are on the knife that was used to kill him, the fact that the knife wasn't hidden, the cuts on his arms and wrists, the fatal wound being directly in the chest, the fact that the shirt he was wearing had been torn apart to get at the chest... they're currently assuming it was suicide.

His classmates seem to disagree with that assumption, though.

Except for one. Kirishima brought up the fact that Bakugou had been acting strange, being fairly distant, not eating as much, staying up later than normal, and... that he may have caused this.

Kirishima confessed that if this is a suicide, then he himself may have been the reason. He said that the night of the death, he and Bakugou had a fight, where... he ended up saying some... bad things...

With all the arguments, and guilt, and confusion, you felt like this just... wasn't right.

You felt you knew a horrible truth.

Kamakiri murdered Bakugou, and was somehow able to make it look like Bakugou killed himself.

But it's not like anyone will believe you.

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