Sang's Discovery

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Academy series and am not making any money from this.

This is set after North takes her to the North Shore but before Dr Green kisses her and before Jade drugged her in the showers.

I should also point out that for the purposes of this story, all the boys are on the same page for loving her and are all willing to share her.

Part 1

Sang's POV

Marie had used the last of the toothpaste and left it lying on the sink, along with a good portion of now hard paste where she'd rinsed and spat, but hadn't cleaned up after herself.

My stomach roiled slightly as I washed it away.

"Oy! Trouble, come on, we've only got half an hour and you have to eat!" Gabriel's voice drifted up the stairs making me grin at my reflection.

I'd gone to sleep wedged between Luke and Gabriel. Earlier in the morning, before it was even light, Luke had got up whispering to me that North was coming to get him to take him to the diner for a delivery or something. He'd kissed my forehead and left, leaving me sleepily tucked into Gabriel; who hadn't stirred at all.

I ducked down to the cupboard below the sink and opened it; the mess that Marie had left on the sink had also included under the sink. It looked like she'd pulled everything out and then stuffed it all back in, but not in an organised way.

I rooted through towels and soap bars and sanitary products to find the toothpaste. It occurred to me that Marie must have started her period this morning as the box of pads were opened and spilling out. I located the tube of toothpaste and then stuffed the pads back in. A chill slid down my back as my hand stilled on the opened box.

When was the last time I had needed these?

I couldn't think, my mind felt scrambled as I fought to think through the days. I took a deep breath in through my nose and out of my mouth as Mr Blackbourne had showed me in an effort to calm myself.

The last time I have needed these was the first week in August, before I met Kota. I counted slowly in my head and sank down onto my knees as I realised I had now missed two periods.

I squeezed my eyes shut. There was only one reason you missed a period, wasn't there? I had only been getting mine since the beginning of the year, but I'd not missed one since then.

I was pregnant.

I shook my head at the thought. I couldn't be, surely not. Could I?

My knowledge of all things sex related could be written on a postage stamp with room to spare. I was mildly aware of what happened, but didn't quite know how it all worked. Had I done something that could have lead to this?

I'd got very close to North at the motel, I blushed as I remembered just how close my groin had come to his... but I'd had my underwear on and so had he.

But what else could this mean? Was it possible that close contact was all it needed? I thought about the times I'd been wrapped around Nathan or one of the others in the swimming pool, the times I'd felt the hardened length beneath their swim shorts pressing into me. But they'd always, always backed off, tossing me away in a playful splash. But had it been long enough?

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. I had no answer and no one to ask.

"Oy! Do I need to come in there and brush your teeth for you?" Gabriel's voice drifted up the stairs again.

What ever happened, I couldn't say saything yet or even let on that something was wrong.

I stuffed everything back under the sink, including the unopened toothpaste tube and slammed the door shut. I stood up and plastering a fake smile on my face I went out and down the stairs.

"I'm sorry, Meanie, Marie used up all the toothpaste and I was searching for a new one," I said as brightly as I could manage as I came into the kitchen.

Kota was sat at the breakfast island, a piece of toast in his hand. He looked up at me and grinned.

I avoided his eyes but grinned back as I moved forwards and picked up the a slice of toast from the plate.

"About time too!" Gabriel came over and took a critical look at my clothes. He'd laid them out for me on the bed before going down. I looked down at the black and white spotty A Line skirt that stopped just above my knee. The top I was wearing was a white blouse that tucked in at the waist and ended in a peplum. I stared at my belly, which was flat under the material. How much longer would it be flat? What would they say when they finally worked it out and I knew they would. There was no way I'd be able to hide nine months worth of baby in there.

I felt sick, the toast tasted like cardboard in my mouth. I forced it down and took the coffee from the table to wash it down.

"C'mon then," Gabriel said and reached forward to pluck a banana from a bowl on the worktop. "She can eat this in the car, can't she?" It came out as a question to Kota but he didn't stop to hear the answer.

He moved forwards into the living room, tucking a blonde lock behind one ear.

I followed, aware of Kota's hand on my lower back as he fell in behind me.

I slid into the back seat, Gabriel taking shotgun, I spent the ride to the school nibbling on the banana as Gabriel chatted on about now it was heading to winter, we'd all need warmer clothes.

I was aware of Kota's gaze on me in the rear mirror, but I resolutely avoided making eye contact and instead looked out of the window as I chewed.

The phone in my bra vibrated and I jumped slightly. I drew it out one handed and pressed the screen.

North: Baby, did you have a good night? You didn't call.

I hurriedly tapped a reply about not even having a dream let alone a nightmare.

North: Good

I stared down at his reply. The dread that had been growing my stomach threatened to overwhelm me.


I looked up and saw that we were parked in the school car park and they were waiting for me to get out.

"Sorry," I mumbled and dragging my bookbag and violin case behind me, I got out of the car.

"Are you ok?" Kota fell into step with me, taking the bookbag from me as Gabriel snagged my violin case and went ahead quickly towards where the others were gathered waiting for us.

"Yeah," I shot him as bright of a grin as I could manage. "I haven't really woken up yet, that's all."

"You slept ok though?" he asked and I nodded my head.

"Too well, I think," I tried to joke and it seemed to appease him.

"Sang baby, sit down here," North called from where he and Silas were sitting on the stone benches. I grinned at them, trying so hard to keep it together until I could think of some way out of this. But there was no way out of it, I was late, two months late and that equated to only one possible outcome.

I was wedged between Silas and North. Silas slid his arm around my neck and started saying something that I just couldn't hear over the sound of my world crashing around me.


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