Part Fourteen
Sang's POV
They hadn't been beside me when I woke up again. They had been downstairs getting breakfast ready. At first I had thought it was going to be awkward when I went down, but they had merely greeted me with good mornings, a beaming smile from Dr Green and his usual millimetre smile from Mr Blackbourne. They had made me eat two pieces of toast and jam and a banana and then they were whisking me out to the car for school.
The journey in had been mostly quiet as I had texted the boys to say good morning. They had all replied and then feeling silly I sent one more text to Dr Green.
Sang: Good morning, Dr Green, please say good morning to Mr Blackbourne as I don't want to text him in case it distracts him.
I heard him chuckle and I smiled as I looked out of the window.
"Sang says Good Morning, she wouldn't text you in case it distracts you," he said.
"Please reply back to her for me that I also wish her a good morning," he said and I heard the humour in his voice.
My phone vibrated and I opened Dr Green's message.
Dr Green: Good morning, pookie, Owen wishes you a good morning too. Try and stay out of trouble today.
"I do try," I said aloud. "It just seems to find me."
"Oh, we know!" Dr Green chuckled again and I smiled.
"Miss Sorenson, the usual applies; what happens between us stays between us, unless you choose otherwise." Mr Blackbourne turned the BMW smoothly into his parking space in the school car park.
"And don't forget, no violin lessons today," Dr Green added. "The boys will take you to their study hall, ok?"
"Ok," I said quietly and thanked him when he jumped out and opened the door for me.
"Trouble!" I turned to see Gabriel and Victor headed towards me. "We have found the perfect costume for you!"
"We will see you later, Miss Sorenson," Mr Blackbourne spoke up and I turned back to where they were stood together by the car. I wanted to run up and hug them, to kiss them goodbye but it would be completely inappropriate at school.
I settled for giving them a small wave which Dr Green returned. They turned and made their way into the school.
"Are you ok?" Victor stopped beside me and I realised that I was still staring after them.
I turned to him and smiled.
"I'm fine," I said and touched his arm. It had already occurred to me that I was able to kiss them all now. There was nothing holding me back, except my own fear incase they rejected me. But I really didn't think they would... I hoped they didn't.
"We're going on Saturday morning. Luke, Nathan and Kota will be coming as well, but North and Silas aren't free till later, so they're going to join us when we get ours." Gabriel reached forward and pulled the collar of my pink blouse forwards slightly. He then untucked it from where I had tucked it into my plaid skirt.
"Where's the black belt that goes with this?" he changed tact. "I put it into your bag..." He reached forward, tugged the bag from my hand and rooted through till he found it at the bottom still coiled up.
He shoved the bag at Victor and then he had the belt around my waist and then nodded.
"Much better," he said. I looked over at Victor, he shrugged, telling me silently that Gabriel was Gabriel. I grinned back at him.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)