Part 115
Sang's POV
It was our last day before heading back to school. I was not looking forward to that at all. Gabriel had come over and gone right through my clothes, organising me for the next two weeks as to what to wear. Kota had turned up later in the afternoon to make sure my bookbag was organised for the first day, then he had moved onto everyone else and they, like me, had just let him.
After lunch Mr Blackbourne, Dr Green, Silas and Victor turned up. At first I thought they were going to carry on with my step-mother's room, but then I saw Mr Blackbourne wearing one of his dark grey suits. Instead they said they were going to take today to relax. Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green had been into the school this morning and then they had picked up Victor and Silas and come here. North and Luke had come along later and now we were altogether in the family room. Victor was sitting playing on the piano. Gabriel was at the writing desk, drawing in his drawing pad. Mr Blackbourne was on his ipad in one of the armchairs. While the rest of us were playing pontoon on the floor.
"Pookie!" Dr Green laughed when I groaned at being bust once again. "You're not supposed to let us know what cards you get."
"But you're going to find out soon enough anyway," I said as I laid down twenty five.
"Yeah, but if you were playing for money," Nathan spoke up. "You could win a hand on a losing hand, just by not giving away what you have."
"She can't win on that, no matter who folds first," Luke snorted.
"No, but if she was playing Poker and she had a shit hand, if she keeps quiet no one knows she has a shit hand, and can fold before she does."
"I think we're ok on that one, Nathan. I don't think we'll be encouraging Miss Sorenson to play Poker professionally," Mr Blackbourne said and nudged his glasses up his nose, his eyes on the screen of his ipad.
I shook my head when Kota started to deal out another hand. I got to my feet and left the room leaving the door open, telling them I would be back soon. I needed the bathroom and then I would think about getting together some food for everyone. I loved it when we were all together like this and it made me long for when we lived together all the time.
I finished up in the bathroom and went back down to the kitchen. Marie had not come back and I know they all said to leave it, but I couldn't help but worry a little bit.
I opened the new fridge that had been installed and blinked. I still wasn't used to the changes and the fridge was one of them. It was double doored, one side was a freezer and the other a fridge. It was completely full and I knew that my father had paid for none of it. It only seemed right that they should eat what they provided.
I drew out the ingredients to make paella. I knew they all liked it and if I made a salad and got some rolls out as well, it might be enough to keep them happy.
I had everything under control when I heard a movement from the door and Dr Green came in with his hands in his pockets.
"There you are, we thought you'd got lost," he said with a smile and came over. "But.. this is far better. What would like me to do, Pookie?"
"Would you do the salad for me, please?" I asked him and he came around to stand behind me. He lifted my hair away from my neck and then he was dropping a kiss onto the skin at the back of my neck.
"Of course, my lady," he said with a chuckle and I giggled. He stepped back, swatted me gently on the butt and crossed to wash his hands at the sink
"So, how's my little pumpkin?" he asked, moving over to the fridge for the salad stuff.
"Round and orange," I said with a smile at him. He chuckled again and started to get the salad together.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)