OK, so, let's talk plot. :D Long and short of it is, there isn't one. At least not a major one that will be resolved with fireworks and big explosions. All I'm doing here is writing the story my way. I will be taking this as far as I can in terms of their relationship, so I intend it to be working towards where she is living with them in a solid relationship.
I intend on resolving things with her mother/father/sister/school and Hendricks, and maybe, if I can handle it, her real mother's family. So in essence, I'm taking the stories my way because I can't wait for the books. That's probably very presumptuous of me and if you want to jump ship, I will understand completely.
There will be hot, steamy sex, there will be m/m/f sex, but not boy on boy. (nothing against is, just not in this one. I'm actually playing around with a oneshot of the Doc and Mr B together, but that's a whole other thing.) or at least I hope it will be hot and steamy. :o if i can pull it off. :D
Ok, I've rambled enough, so here we go and I hope it's not too slow.
Part Ninety-Six
Sang's POV
It was the last day of school before the winter break and I was excited. The week had passed by relatively calmly, the Diner had been re-done, Nathan's place was back to normal. The insurance people had sent someone in to repair the door and replace the lock, but when they had gone, North and Silas had made doubly sure it was intact. The police had come back with nothing, no other houses in the area were burgled that night and nothing could be discovered from the security cameras. It was a dead end, but the Police didn't think they would return.
Mr Blackbourne insisted on installing an alarm system in both Nathan's and my place. It was a key code one and Marie had kicked up a storm, several times she had forgotten how to reset it and the alarms had gone off late at night. In the end, Nathan told her to leave it if she came in and whoever was with me at night, would go down and reset it when she came home. All they had asked was that she knocked on my door when she came up, of course, she didn't do that and instead I found myself listening to when she came home. But I felt safer knowing it was there and once she moved out, I wouldn't need to worry.
I had texted my father and told him about the break in at Nathan's and that a new system was being installed in our house, but I heard nothing back and I deleted the texts I sent him, along with the ones I got from the others every night still.
Friday slipped past slowly, music with Mr Blackbourne was exciting. I was learning more and more notes and it was starting to come together. As Dr Green said, I now no longer sounded like someone strangling a cat, I sounded like someone learning to play the violin. I took it as a compliment that finally you could hear some of the notes I was attempting.
None of the teachers were giving us homework either, which surprised me, but made me glad. In fact, none of the teachers were even bothering with lessons. It was apparent that everyone was already in holiday mode and so most lessons were pop quizzes for fun. Mr Morris sat at his desk for the whole lesson and just let everyone talk. Mr Gerald had given us a free range too and I had spent the lesson talking to Silas and leaning on his desk.
Dr Green was no different, but he had let us go from the start of the week. He had set up a projector and got us to watch a Japanese anime film that had subtitles in English underneath. It was a story of a girl in a boarding school for girls who had found a cat that was really a girl that was under a curse, we had watched it over the week and today was the last part. I was enjoying it but my peace was broken when the overhead intercom called for me to go to Mr Hendricks office.
It made me jump as I wasn't expecting it. I looked up at Dr Green in surprise. He indicated for me to go and I picked up my bag, looked around at Victor and shrugged. He nodded at me and I moved towards the door, I went outside aware that Dr Green had followed me.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)