A/N: Thank you to everyone who continues to read, vote and comment on this story. I would probably have given up a long time ago if it weren't for you. :)
Also, we don't know where Sang comes from other than a small town in Illinois. I've used artistic license to place her somewhere near Chicago just because. :)
The other thing I wanted to mention is that other than his father killing his mother we know nothing about Mr B, so anything he tells Sang in this chapter is not canon and is just my rabid musings. Given their ages I have found it hard to get things to fit. There's not a lot of time lapse for certain things to have taken place, but I hope I've squeezed them in a semi believable way.
Oh, and it earns its mature rating again at the end. And it's mahoosively long.
Hope you enjoy it.
Sang's POV
Friday was spent going over my textbooks ready for when I would go back to school on Monday. Owen and Sean were both working so it made sense for Kota to take the day off and stay with Nathan and me. Nathan had missed school all this week because of his ribs, but he was getting there and was able to move around a lot more easily.
I had missed a lot of school, but with their help I was able to get pretty much back on track with it. There were a few things that I was struggling with and I had missed quite a bit of lab work in biology, but it wasn't too bad and nothing that would affect my end of year result.
Gabriel had come here right after school with Victor and sent me for a bath. Owen was going to pick me up at six, we were going to have a meal somewhere first and then go to the eight performance. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I had been to Victor's concerts but this was different; I had never been to any sort of play before and I had no idea what to expect.
By the time I had finished my bath and got dressed into my underwear and a robe, Gabriel had laid out the grey cocktail dress that we had decided on. It was a beautiful dress and I felt quite different wearing it. Gabriel styled my hair into an elegant chignon and put a hint of makeup onto me. I wasn't used to seeing the person who reflected back at me in the mirror as Gabriel put the finishing touches to my hair.
"I feel like cinderella," I told him in a hushed voice, making him chuckle.
"Not cinderella." He shook his head. "The magic doesn't wear off after midnight and it's a bit of a stretch imagining Mr B as Prince Charming."
"You look fabulous," Victor spoke up from where he had been sitting on the edge of the bed watching Gabriel wave his magic wand over me.
"I feel it," I admitted. "I feel like I'm dressing up in someone else's clothes...."
"You always look beautiful," Gabriel swatted me on the butt as he stepped back. "Stop fishing for compliments and give us a twirl."
"She's not fishing for compliments, Gabe," Victor said quietly as I gave them a twirl still in stocking feet as I hadn't put my heels on yet.
"I'm not," I told him, feeling myself colour up slightly. "I just don't feel like me."
"I know, I know," Gabriel said and swatted my butt again, but this time it was more a caress than a swat. "You just break my heart when you get all down on yourself. Now, into those heels and let's present you to Mr B."
"He's here?" I asked him, moving to slip my feet into the grey suede kitten heeled shoes that matched the dress.
"Has been for the last half an hour," Victor said with a grin and got up. He came towards me and taking me into his arms he began to waltz me around the room. I loved it when he did this, they all seemed to have relaxed a little and the constant worry that Hendricks had over everyone was slowly disappearing.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)