I love all of your comments. It makes my day, it really does.
This is a bit shorter, sorry about that, but I wanted the next part to be all in one post.
Part Sixteen
Sang's POV
I had never tried so many different types of food and I hadn't eaten this much in ages.
Luke was on his fifth slice of pizza and showing no signs of stopping. North and Silas were chomping though chow mien like there was no tomorrow, using chopsticks as if they'd been born with them.
"Have some more, pookie," Dr Green held out his chopsticks full of noodles.
I held up my hand, my other hand resting on my full stomach.
"I couldn't fit anything else in there at all," I moaned and he laughed and pushed the chopsticks into his own mouth.
"So, any thoughts on tomorrow?" asked Mr Blackbourne when he placed his fork down. I'd tasted his Fettuccine Alfredo and loved it.
"Bowling," Luke called out.
"Swimming?" Nathan said at the same time.
"There's a game on tomorrow afternoon. We could all pile into Nathan's and watch it," Silas said hopefully.
"She doesn't want to watch baseball," Gabriel snorted at him. "The weather is ok still, why don't we go for a picnic somewhere."
"A picnic?" Luke voiced his distaste. "Why don't we sit and watch some paint dry, it'd be more fun."
"We could go to that new adventure place just off the highway," Kota said quickly.
I watched as eight pairs of eyes fixed on him in interest.
"What's that?" I asked.
"It's like a giant circuit training place but it's set in the woods. They have zip wires and tree surfing," he said.
"Tree surfing? What's that?" I asked. Victor stood up and went to get his laptop.
"You're harnessed up and then you literally walk through the treetops on a series of ropes, rope bridges and wires," Kota explained.
"Yes!" Luke looked as excited as I felt. "Let's do that."
Victor fired up his laptop and quickly found the website. We all crowded around to have a look.
"They have a tree jump," Silas said and I looked at where they had a jump from a tree platform onto what looked like a giant pillow.
"Sang baby could get hurt," North said doubtfully, I looked up at him.
"I don't think so, North," I said quietly, "They wouldn't be open if it wasn't safe, besides you're harnessed in for it."
"They have archery, Doc," Victor spoke up.
"I'm sold," Dr Green laughed.
"Do you want to go, Miss Sorenson?" Mr Blackbourne asked me and I looked up at him, I was smiling unable to hide my excitement.
"I do," I said and was treated to his millimetre smile.
"Then it's decided," he said, "Mr Morgan, make the arrangements as needed, please."
Gabriel reached into his pocket and drew his wallet out and threw Victor's card onto the desk. I bit my lip.
"Is it expensive?" I ventured. Luke chopped me on the head gently, even as Victor ignored me.
"It's open from 9.30 till 5.30," Victor spoke up as his fingers flew over the keys. "I've booked us in for all it, including the bike ride."
"Excellent, we shall meet you there at 9.30," Mr Blackbourne said and smoothed his tie down as he stood up. "Miss Sorenson, would you be good enough to see us out?"

FanficSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)