Well, not sure about this one. I may even take it down and redo it, let me know what you think. It just kinda came out this way. I think it's boring and I didn't enjoy writing it at all, but I didn't want to leave you with nothing and I figured it would come about at some point. There's just something about it that doesn't seem right. See what you think. I will accept whatever you say, just be gentle about your delivery. :) And if you can figure out what it is I'm uncomfortable with... hit me with it... gently again, please. :D
Sang's POV
I handed my money over and accepted the ticket back. I made my way to a spare seat and sat down, a shiver of excitement and dread rippled through me, but it was too late now and I wanted to do this. I wasn't helpless, girls younger than me could do this, so could I.
I remembered what Dr Green had said about nothing changing when we left the lodge, but he had been wrong. Things were different. Realistically speaking they had to be. And it wasn't just the fact that we were all in different houses again.
Because of the week away it seemed as if the Academy were making up for the week in jobs and since we had come back over a week ago, they were almost constantly out on different jobs in the evening and there was never a time when we were all together. Dr Green was at the hospital doing the night shifts and for that he spent a lot of time asleep in the nurses office, with Mr Blackbourne watching over him.
Music lessons were back on as the remaining hours needed for the H.E.P classes had been put back to the new year. Dr Green would sit in the corner of the room doing his marking while Mr Blackbourne valiantly taught me more notes to murder on the violin.
I spent my evenings at the Diner working and then doing my homework. It helped me to ground myself back into life until the week I had spent with them was just an ache now, and not the blinding pain it had been at first.
Gabriel's birthday and Thanksgiving were looming and I wondered what we would be doing for Thanksgiving. I didn't actually think we'd be spending it together as they would have to spend it with their respective families. I knew we were going to go paintballing for Gabriel's birthday and that excited me. But I had to get him something and I was completely stumped.
I knew that he played guitar and that he wanted to play bass, but I wanted to get him something that would mean something personal. I knew I would have to go shopping. I also knew that Christmas would be on us soon and I wanted to start looking for presents for that, but I couldn't buy anything if they were with me. They had taken me to the mall several times now and I knew my way around, but I realised that I would have to do this by myself. I needed to be able to get their presents when they didn't know what I was doing and that would be next to impossible if they were right beside me in the shops.
And that was why I found myself so far out of my comfort zone I wasn't even on the same planet.
Luke and Victor had stayed with me last night, but Victor had to go back to his parents and Luke had a shift at the Diner. I had been on my own for the first time in a long time. I told them that I would be fine, I had to clean the house and catch up on laundry and housework and they had kissed me goodbye and left after breakfast.
Kota would be down later on in the evening, as would Nathan, but at the moment I think they were on a job. It was never outrightly said, but it seemed like it. North was also at the Diner and Silas was with his dad for something. Gabriel was at his place, Dr Green would be catching up on sleep and I don't know what Mr Blackbourne would be doing. Probably making sure nothing disturbed Dr Green.
I had the whole Saturday to myself and by lunch time I had cleaned every surface, washed everything that wasn't pinned down and I was kicking my heels. I had made a split decision, collected together all the money I had earned and putting on a raincoat and boots I had caught a bus into the Mall. I had done most of it in a hurry so that I wouldn't have time to second guess myself, but the moment by butt hit the bus seat, the nerves and doubts overwhelmed me and I debated pulling out my phone and getting one of them to come and rescue me.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)