Tree Surfing

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Part Seventeen

Sang's POV

I was so excited I found it hard to keep still. We were in the entrance building of "Woodland Adventure Park" at 9.30. It had taken Kota twenty minutes to reach here and we were just waiting for Victor, Gabriel, Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green.

"They're late," I said, crossing to look into the car park once again. There were only a handful of cars in there and I could see the entrance from the highway clearly.

"They're nearly here," Nathan chuckled and came up behind me. He slid his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "You're really excited to lose today, aren't you, peanut?"

I patted his arms and then held onto his wrists, my eyes on the entrance still.

"Honey, did no one ever tell you not to count your chickens until all your eggs have hatched?"

"Ok, we have our schedule," Kota came over with the others holding a piece of paper in his hand. "We're on the tree surfing as soon as the others turn up, then we've got an hour and a half slot on the archery, lunch, and then the jump wire and any of the other death slide or shorter courses we want to do; we have the obstacle course for an hour. Three thirty we've got the bikes till it closes."

I saw Mr Blackbourne's BMW pull into the car park and I bounced on my heels.

"They're here!"

Nathan gripped me tighter and chuckled in my ear, kissing it quickly before he let go of me. I was out of the door faster than a bullet from a gun. I don't remember ever being so excited about something. I wanted to dive straight in and try everything and I was impatient to start.

I saw Victor and Gabriel get out of the back and I bit my lip. They were dressed the same as the others. Black combat trousers, combat boots and black t-shirts.

I had been taken aback when North and Silas had changed into clothes that Luke had brought over. He, Kota and Nathan had been dressed exactly the same and when I asked they said it was what they wore when they were training for the Academy.

I had dressed in jeans and a pink t-shirt so when Luke had handed me a bag and said it was from Victor, I had been puzzled. When I opened it I saw a similar uniform, black combat trousers in my size and a black t-shirt, and then at the bottom, a pair of combat boots. I had been ecstatic. I almost felt as if I was properly with them, a part of the team instead of standing on the edges. For today I was part of their team, part of the Academy and I was going to enjoy every second.

I bounded over excitedly and was caught into a hug by Gabriel.

"Look at you, pookie," Dr Green chuckled as he got out of the car. "All dressed up like special ops."

I laughed and was pleased to see he and Mr Blackbourne were dressed the same.

"Did you get all this last night?" I asked Gabriel and he nodded setting me down and getting me to turn around by twirling his finger. I looked over at Victor and thanked him quietly.

He smirked at me and tilted his head to the side and looked from my face down over my body and then back up again slowly. I felt heat wash through me when his eyes met mine and they were burning brightly.

"It was worth it," he replied, making me blush.

Gabriel began pulling my hair and I realised he was putting it into a french plait.

"You don't want this getting caught anywhere," he murmured through the band he had in his teeth.

"Did you sleep well, Miss Sorenson?" Mr Blackbourne asked as he came into my line of sight. He was stunning, they all were and my mouth went dry. I licked my lips, forcing my mind off my boys.

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