Part Fifty-Four
Mr Blackbourne's POV
She totally ignored me and walked up the stairs. She just walked away, not even acknowledging that I had spoken.
I was angry before, now I am supremely pissed off. I heard Sean saying something but I was heading towards the stairs.
"Stay here," I barked at him and took the stairs two at a time. I was in time to see the bedroom door shut and I hit the corridor at a fast pace.
I opened the door and went in, shutting it behind me quietly. She jumped and her towel slipped slightly. She tucked it in tighter and turned away from me to cross to the built in wardrobe.
"Don't ignore me," I kept my voice level and calm, belying the way I felt inside.
"I have to," she said, her voice was flat and emotionless and I flinched.
"Why?" I barked and stood with my hands by my sides.
"Because if I don't..." She drew in a breath and I saw her hands shake as she drew out some clothes to wear.
"If you don't what, Miss Sorenson?" I asked dryly.
"What will you do to Victor?" she asked and her voice was still emotionless.
"Do?" I frowned at the question. "I'm not going to do anything." I let it pass for now that she had not answered my question.
Neither of us were leaving this room until this was sorted out.
"You're angry with him for something I did," she said and put the clothes on the bed.
"I'm annoyed that he kept secrets from us," I said quietly, "Secrets that needed to be in the open. I'm angry with you for doing the same. When will you trust me?"
"It's not about trust," she said and I stepped away from the door towards her.
"Yes, it is!" I said firmly and intercepted her when she made to move towards the door.
"Please let me go," she said, not making eye contact.
"Never!" I snapped. "I've told you that already. Like I told you over and over, that if you had a problem to let me know. I have asked you, and asked you, and every time you have lied to me, deceived me."
"I have not lied to you!" she blurted out and I saw the raw hurt in her eyes and my anger levels dropped.
"So did you slip in my shower or did you fall out because you had a flashback?"
"I slipped, I had a flashback and I slipped and fell. I did not lie to you, I just didn't tell you the whole truth."
"Lying by omission, Miss Sorenson, is still lying. How about when I asked you yesterday whether anything reminded you of your mother?"
"I didn't think about it. I don't wander around all day constantly thinking of it. I forget it until I'm faced with it. It reminds me of being tied up in the shower, of feeling the spray on my face, of Mr McCoy in the changing..." she swallowed and spun around to walk away from me. I reached out and caught her upper arm and spun her back into me. She fought me, tried to struggle, but I was stronger and I trapped her against me, catching her hands and holding them tightly.
"How can I help you, if you won't let me?" I demanded in frustration. "How can I do anything for you if you refuse to let me in."
"You can't help me!" she cried out. "It's stupid, it's a stupid fear and I know it is."
"It's not stupid to you, or me," I told her, her body was trembling badly and I pulled her in closer, but she held herself stiffly in my hold.
"Please, let me go," she sobbed and I let go of her hands and stepped away from her, but I wouldn't let her leave the room. She adjusted the towel around her.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)