Three Ring Circus

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Sean's POV

I brushed a hand over my face as I faced Owen.

"Her CAT and MRI scans show no swelling, no cranial damage and no obvious damage to the brain, I've gone right through her charts three times now," I told him and he heaved a heavy sigh.

He was the last to see her and I knew the moment he came around the corner and saw her, he had started to die inside. I had drawn him to one side to talk to him quietly, out of her earshot.

"I'm 99.999% certain that when our little bird wakes up, it'll be the Sang we know and cherish," I told him in a hushed voice and he sagged slightly, his hand going to my shoulder. "Go tell her she has to wake up and sass you again."

He nodded and I stayed back, watching as he moved forwards to her. I had stood here, watching as each of my brothers had seen her, cried, told her how much they loved her, demanded she wake up. North had been completely unable to articulate as he sat there, his lips pressed to her forehead. Each one had handled it differently, but not one of them had been able to hold back their tears. I know I told them to try and be upbeat, but it wouldn't hurt if she heard just how devastated we were. I knew she still had a part of her that couldn't quite get to grips with why we all loved her, hearing us telling her how much we loved her could only be a good thing.

I knew everyone of us was finding this hard but Owen was the one I would have to watch. Owen at the moment was running on adrenaline, but once that passed, I knew he was going to start blaming himself, if he wasn't already doing that on some level. This was no one's fault except Hendricks. He was the one who was to blame, he was the only one to blame and I would have to make sure Owen knew that, even if I had to beat it into him. Which I rather expected I would.

"Sean!" He looked up at me urgently and I stepped forward quickly. I assessed the monitors, none of them had changed.

"Sean, her fingers tightened on mine," he said and I heard the excitement and hope clearly in his voice. I leant over her, taking her other hand in mine.

"Sang? Pookie, can you squeeze my fingers?" I spoke clearly, and very slowly there was a definite movement from her fingers. It wasn't a squeeze but it was damn good enough for me.

"There you are," I grinned over at Owen, before dropping a kiss onto her forehead. "You're almost ready to come back to us, aren't you?"

"Darling," Owen's voice croaked slightly and his slid his glasses off and buried his face into the side of her neck, careful not to disturb the mask or the press against the cuts that littered her face and cheeks.

Her fingers moved again and I thanked any god that would listen. I knew she had moved when they had assessed her for the Glasgow Coma Scale but that was an involuntary response to pain stimuli, this, this was her moving because she could hear and understand us.

I slumped into the car beside the bed, my hand still holding hers, careful of her IV line.

"Jesus, Sang, you know how to keep us on ours toes, don't you!" I muttered happily. I couldn't use my phone in here, in fact they had to be turned off, but I would need to let the others know and also the attending nurse.

"Owen, I'm going to inform the nurse on duty and then the others. Stay here with her, ok?"

He sat up and I saw him wipe his eyes before sliding his glasses back on, his control firmly back in place.

"Of course," he said and I nodded. I got up from the chair.

"I'll be back soon, Pookie, keep Owen in line while I'm away, ok?" I told her with a light tone. My heart was feeling lighter than it had in hours. I knew we still weren't out of the woods, but it was a good sign and I was going to take every good sign we had and concentrate only on those.

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