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A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long to get out. I always wanted to say thank you to everyone who leaves reviews. I don't always get the time I would like to answer each of you, but please know that every single comment and review is read, re-read and horded over, like Smaug over his gold, or Smeagol over his ring. :) They really do encourage me to keep going and to keep posting.

Thank you so much for sticking with me and I hope you enjoy this one. It's a tad on the long side, at 8857 words, so you may want to get a cuppa first. :)

Dedicated to Zoe1uk1988 if it wasn't for you the chocolate sauce wouldn't even have made it out of the cupboard.  Thank you. :)

Sang's POV

My first week back at school went quickly. It was a relief to go through each day and not worry about being called into Mr Hendrick's office. I don't think I was the only one either, it was as if something heavy and oppressive had been lifted from the school. It was still dreadfully overcrowded and would remain that way until things were dealt with completely, but the atmosphere was remarkably different. Especially with the teachers. According to Owen the new Principal was excellent and already things were improving. The empty rooms on the second floor were being utilised more, bringing some of the trailer classrooms inside. There were still some rooms that were unusable, but Owen said a lot of work would be done over the summer. Supplies were creeping in properly; but again, it would take time. Although he'd been caught, reacquiring the lost money was taking longer than they would like. I knew that was all being dealt with by the authorities and Owen and the Academy had nothing to do with that. There had been a complete shake up; the Superintendent had also been implicated and he was being investigated too. Mr McCoy was still off the grid, but his actions with the cameras had made him wanted and it was only a matter of time before he was found.

Nothing had really changed in the main teaching staff either, except without Mr Hendricks there, they all seemed much more easy going. Japanese was now taught by Mr Kurosawa, he was a straight laced, no nonsense, teacher but he was fair and it became apparent that if you were willing to learn then he was more than willing to teach you. It also became apparent to me that Sean had done a good job with us as a whole. I was more than able to converse with Mr Kurosawa and he was happy with the progress we had made.

Violin was still being taught by Owen. There was no one else qualified to take Tom through his finals and so Owen had said he would continue with both of us until the end of year. It was nice to actually spend music lessons studying music and it was nice to think I was actually starting to make some sort of progress. Although I doubted I would ever be as good as Tom or Owen.

Friday rolled around and I was glad to get home, finish up my homework and know that I had two days when I wouldn't need to worry about anything. I was looking forward to both days; Luke was taking me out on our date tomorrow and on Sunday everyone was coming over here to spend the day.

Uncle had asked me to take up the last shift at the Diner tonight. North was not happy at first, said that being back at school was enough for me, but I was quite happy and once Sean had interceded on my behalf, telling him that it wouldn't hurt me, he had relented. I was on my way there now. Kota was dropping me off. He had driven me home with Nathan and after we had eaten and finished our homework I had changed into my uniform. I had said goodbye to Nathan who had gone home and then let Kota drive me.


"Are you absolutely certain you're ok with this?" Kota asked me. "I can take your shift, mom is on day shift at the moment and home with Jessica."

"I'm fine," I told him quietly as he pulled into the parking lot of the Diner. "I'm looking forward to it, actually. Back to a bit of normalcy."

"Normal?" he snorted slightly and I giggled.

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