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Part Ninety-Eight.

Sang's POV

I woke slowly, not really wanting to wake at all. I could hear the gentle snores of Victor at my back. I vaguely remembered him cleaning me up and putting a shirt on me before I had crawled into bed and gone back to sleep. I remembered how we have loved each other and it made me stretch happily. The music from the Ballet was still moving through my mind and I sank back against the pillows going over every bit of my evening last night.

A snort drew my attention to where Nathan was facing away from me, he was still asleep and I was too lazy to get up yet. It was only just getting light and it was Saturday. I had no idea what we were doing today. It was the 19th of December, Christmas was only 6 days away and I was getting excited to be spending it with them. My presents were all wrapped up in the attic for them, but I wanted to take them over to Mr Blackbourne's where we would be the day after Christmas Day. Victor had several concerts coming up, a deal that he had made with his father so that he could spend the autumn break with us at the lodge. I knew that I was going to them all and I was really excited about that. Mr Blackbourne was escorting me for all of them, I remembered the last time I watched Victor perform, it was just after Volto had infiltrated his mansion and used Muriel. Victor had played Winter just for me and Mr Blackbourne had given me nine Chrysler Roses for my birthday. It had been then that it had finally sank in that Mr Blackbourne had accepted me as well. Of course, for me, it was too late. I hadn't really realised it, but I had already been steadily falling in love with nine of the most wonderful guys I would ever meet.

A lot had happened since then, most of it had been bad. But I think it had made us stronger.

There was a scratching noise at my bedroom door and I realised it was the lock being opened. My first thought was Maire, I knew she had seen me in bed with the boys before and she had said nothing, but I still didn't want her just walking in. I leapt from the bed and rushed to the door before it could open. I turned the handle and opened it ever so slightly so I could see out and nearly died. My father stood there.

I felt the air shift at my back and I knew that both of them were awake and stood just out of sight.

"What are you doing here?" I asked stupidly.

"I wanted to talk to you, Sang. I can't stay long, can I come in?"

"I'm not dressed, give me a few minutes and I'll come down."

He nodded at me and then he was turning away, he hesitated and looked back at me.

"I'll make you some breakfast," he said and carried on down the stairs. I went back in, shutting and locking the door again before turning to see both Nathan and Victor stood to the side watching me in concern.

"He's going to make me breakfast," I said stupidly.

"Get dressed, Sang," Victor said and they both moved back to the bed. "Nathan! What use is an Alarm system if you don't bother to lock up when you come in!"

"I did lock up!" Nathan hissed at him.

"I gave him the code," I said, before they could start to argue. I drew out some jeans, underwear and a sweater before turning to them.

"What do you mean you gave him the code?" Nathan looked at me blankly as if I had just spoken a foreign language.

"I texted it to him." I said and went back to the door.

"Peanut, you can't..." Nathan stopped and pinched his nose. "We'd better get dressed."

"Don't flush the toilet," Victor said. "We'll need to go and if he hears it flushing more than once, he'll expect Marie to be on the move and may call for her."

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