Part 110
Kota's POV
North came out and she was clutched in his arms, I forgot Uncle, I forgot Silas I just saw Sang. Relief flooded through me as I stepped forwards to her. I had to touch her, to make sure she was alright, but I could already see she wasn't. There were blotches on her face and her hand was bright red, her blouse was torn, dirty and wet with coffee stains. I could smell the whiskey I'd seen him pour into the coffee. I could count her fingers, but I couldn't see her toes inside her socks.
I felt the others at my back and North moved more into the room, until we were all crowded around her. Her big green eyes moving from one to the other, relief clear in her eyes that we were here.
"I'm fine," she whispered. Her go to answer, even when she was clearly not fine.
"Sang, sweetheart, you're safe now." Doc was eyeing her hands and face. "North, set her on the bed, I need to make sure."
"Where's Uncle?" Victor suddenly asked and I looked around at where he had been stood. I saw Mr B suddenly jerk, he looked at the Doc and I saw the message clear in his eyes. We'd mucked up. In our rush to get to Sang, we'd forgotten he was here, all of us, even Mr B had forgotten.
"Shit," Luke muttered. "I'll go and talk to him."
"No, you and North stay here with Sean, we might still be able to save this," Mr B spoke up as he took his phone from his pocket.
"First things first, we need to get Mr Griffin sorted out and far away from here." He put the phone to his ear and then indicated for us to follow him down the stairs. I turned back to where the Doc had lain Sang out on the bed. Gabriel was kissing her forehead and whispering something to him, then Victor took his place. I looked over at Nathan who was staring at her, he had a blank look in his eyes that worried me.
"Honey," she called him when Silas moved away from her, but he made no move towards her. I could see guilt clearly in his face now. "Honey, come here, please," she begged him. Gabriel smacked him on the back and shoved him forwards and it brought him to life. He dropped to his knees beside her head. The Doc was gently peeling off her dirty socks, and asking North to get some warm water and cloths to clean her feet with. I moved out of his way and stepped closer to her. I had to touch her. I lifted my hand and placed my fingers on her shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled before looking back at Nathan.
"It's not your fault," she was whispering to Nathan. I saw her bit her lip and I knew whatever the Doc was doing down there was hurting her, but I couldn't drag my eyes from her face.
"He's my father," he said, his voice breaking.
"Yes, but he's not you, is he?" she asked. "You didn't do this, he did. This is not your fault, Honey."
I watched him dip his head until his lips were hovering over hers.
"I am so sorry, Peanut," he muttered. She lifted her head and kissed him gently.
"Guys, you'd better go down," Doc said softly.
I looked up at him and nodded, he was right. I didn't want to leave her, I never wanted to let her out of my sight again, but there was damage control that had to be done.
Nathan got to his feet, shook his head and turned blindly for the door. I followed him quickly, seeing his hands bunch into fists.
"I'm going to fucking kill him," he grunted as he hit the bottom of the stairs.
"Nathan!" I called his name, running to catch up. I could hear raised voice from the kitchen and knew it was Uncle, but Nathan took priority.
"Silas!" I shouted as I raced after Nathan. He was at the truck door when I caught up to him, he was trying to get it open, but it was obviously locked. I tried to pull him back, but blind fury and muscle had him pushing me away easily. I went straight back, Silas coming up beside me as we caught his arms.

FanficSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)