Part 120
Sang's POV
By the time we had eaten the takeaway and cleared up, I had woken up a bit. Luke, Victor, Nathan, Kota and myself were around Nathan's coffee table as we played cards. Mr Blackbourne, Dr Green, North and Silas were talking in the kitchen about something. Gabriel was lying full on his stomach on the sofa behind me watching us. He hadn't wanted to play but wasn't above telling me what to do with my cards.
"So how are we going to step up finding what Mr Hendricks is up to?" I asked as I accepted another card from Kota.
"Follow any tiny leads we get, no matter how small they seem," Kota shrugged.
"Do we know where he went?" I asked.
"He has parents out of state and he went home for Christmas, he didn't get back to the new year, but it doesn't look like he did anything out of the ordinary."
"Do we have no theories as to what he's up to?" I asked them.
"Oh we have lots of theories. Use the ace as a one and call again," Gabriel instructed me over my shoulder and I nodded at Kota for another card. "But that's all they are is theories, we need concrete proof."
"Well, what are the theories?" I sighed when I saw the king and knew I had bust.
"Some sort of an insurance scam," Kota said and nudged his glasses up his nose. "You already saw how many he has on the football team, over twice what he needs."
"How would that work then?"
"It would need someone working in the insurance business, but... I don't know," Kota shrugged. "If he's claiming insurance for kids whose parents had signed the insurance waiver?"
"But he would still need to be able to claim for them wouldn't he? He couldn't just claim for no reason."
"He could if he has someone working in the insurance company. We can't find a connection there. We already know there is a third party by what you found out at the cafe that afternoon, we just have no idea who it is."
"Can't you just hack into the insurance companies and have a look that way?" The moment I said it I realised what Mr Blackbourne had said to me when I had asked him if they were ever asked to do anything illegal by the Academy.
"We need to catch them red handed, so to speak," Kota said and nodded at me to show my hand. "If we obtain anything illegally it can't be used as evidence in a court of law, not to mention, it would put us into a dodgy position explaining how we came across it."
I nodded and I laid my hand out, it made perfect sense what he was saying.
"So we need to keep our ears and eyes open and work to catch them out," Victor said and laid his hand out.
"We've got time still," Nathan said. "He's going to slip up sooner or later."
"Another?" Kota asked, I was the only one to bust.
"Yeah," Luke nodded and then moved to slide his phone from his pocket. He opened it and I saw him stiffen.
"Uncle says our father has arrived. He's at the Diner and wants to see us," he said with a shake of his head.
"Fuck no!" North boomed from the kitchen and I figured Uncle had sent them the same text.
He came into the room with the others behind him.
Luke's phone rang and he answered it.
"Uncle?" North came over and Gabriel rolled from the sofa onto the floor to let him sit down. I could see North leaning close to Luke who moved the phone forwards and put on the speakerphone.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)