A North and Silas Sandwich...

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Thank you so much for keeping with me. I can't believe how much you seem to be liking this. I love writing it, but reading your comments make me smile so wide my family think I'm certifiable. :)

This one is hopefully much lighter.

Part Twenty

Sang's POV

I got into the back of the car carefully. My leg and arm muscles were feeling it today and I was wishing I'd stayed awake long enough for a bath. I had a vague notion of waking up to shouting. I'd been frightened at first, there was no one with me and for a few seconds I had thought my father and mother were back and shouting at each other. The ache in my arms and legs had brought me fully awake and I had gone downstairs to see Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne yelling at each other. I had no idea what they were yelling about but they had stopped when they saw me and then Nathan and Gabriel had come in. Dr Green went to get some tablets for me and Mr Blackbourne had told me to go back to bed and I'd gone, desperate to lie down again. I had pushed my body too far and I was paying for it. I had taken the tablets Gabriel had brought up and then they'd asked me an odd question. They wanted to know whether I wanted them to sleep on the floor or in the bed. It had confused me then, but then I wondered if they thought they'd hurt me even more. I didn't think that was possible and they'd crawled in with me and I knew no more till the morning. This exhaustion had its ups. I hadn't had a nightmare now for several days.

"Hey, what were Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green shouting about last night?" I asked as I settled against the seat back with a wince.

"Fuck if I know, Trouble," Gabriel grunted from the front seat.

"They were arguing?" Kota asked in surprise. He looked sideways at Gabriel who returned his look and Kota just shrugged.

My phone vibrated in my lap and I opened it up.

North: Did you sleep ok, Baby?

Sang: I did, thank you. No dreams. :)

North: Are you aching today?

Sang: Only a little.

North: When do I get my kiss?

I grinned as I tapped my reply quickly.

Sang: When would you like it?

North: When will you kiss me? Or did you mean to put "where" will you kiss me? ;)

I felt my face flush as his comment, was he intimating that he wanted me to kiss him on the mouth? I hastily typed a reply to see if I could get him to tell me exactly.

Sang: Mr Taylor!

North: Sang baby! Don't call me that, for a moment I thought Mr B was with you. :o

Sang: Then you shouldn't have put that.

I was on dangerous ground here. Was he talking about kissing me on the mouth or where we were when we kissed? I might be able to work it out if I was careful with how I worded my replies. I was almost sure he did, but there was still that underlying doubt that someone like him would want someone like me.

North: I can't help it with you, baby.

Sang: Where would you like me to kiss you, North Star?

I sent the text and waited. He seemed to take ages to reply but finally my phone vibrated and I opened the new message.

North: Sang baby, you can kiss me "anywhere" you want.

I frowned, was he still talking about location or was he suggesting that I could kiss him on the mouth if I wanted too? This was just too hard.

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