Part 101
Sang's POV
This was a fantastic idea. When Mr Blackbourne suggested it everyone had jumped on the idea and after a few phone calls we were on our way.
I was in North's Jeep, sat between Luke and Kota in the back.
"Are they Academy?" I asked as we drove for what seemed like hours.
"No," Kota shook his head, he had hooked his hands under my knees, bringing my legs over his legs. It had turned me slightly sideways and Luke had turned with me so I was resting back against his chest.
"We can't use Academy people just yet," Kota continued, his eyes on the passing scenery as his hands traced patterns on my knees.
"I think we're going in as a family as well," North spoke up.
"Yeah?" Silas snorted and looked around at me. "Because of course, Sang and I could pass for twins, we're so alike," he waggled his black eyebrows at me and I giggled.
"Adoptive family," Luke said, tracing patterns on the glass where it had fogged up.
"You mess up the window, you clean it, Luke!" North boomed, his dark eyes on Luke in the back. Luke turned his head towards him and flipped him the finger.
"Adoptive? So we're all brothers and sisters?"
"Is there more than one sister?" North laughed. "Besides Luke that is."
"Well, Mr B could be the dad and North can be the mom," Luke responded.
"Ha fucking ha," North said dryly. I giggled and looked up at Luke, but he was staring out of the window again, the usual playful smirk was missing from his face and his eyes looked worried.
"You ok?" I asked him quietly. He looked down at me and grinned, crossing his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine, cupcake. You look especially ravishing this morning. Gabe knows his stuff, doesn't he," he said.
I had been in the bath when the others had all come in. We'd stayed in bed for awhile, Mr Blackbourne on the Ipad, Dr Green on his phone. I had got bored with Angry birds after a while and had snuggled down and drifted until it had been time to get up. I had dressed in my sleep clothes, which had made them laugh, but I wanted to have a bath after breakfast and so when the others had come, I was lounging in a bath of bubbles. A tap on the door and Kota had poked his head round, asking if they could come in and talk to me. I was surprised at how at ease I felt with it, but then I was practically drowning in bubbles, so nothing was on show. All nine of them had squeezed into the room and it reminded me of when they had first tried to get me to use the shower.
Mr Blackbourne put forward the idea that it would be a good time to get our pictures taken professionally, while we were altogether. It had been met with a chorus of approvals, so Gabriel and Mr Blackbourne went to pick out an outfit for me to wear, while the others had all gone downstairs to wait.
I looked down at the pink coat that Mr Blackbourne had bought me, underneath was a knee length full circle skirt in dark green. I had a berry red sweater on, knee high socks and my ankle boots.
"Gabriel said festive," I said and Luke nodded.
"Yeah, festive," he agreed and went back to looking out the window. I frowned and looked at Kota, but he was still staring out of his own window, lost in thought. I drew out my phone from my coat pocket and scrolled through the pictures I had on there. I turned the camera app on and started to take random pictures. I managed to get a close up of North's ear without him realising and I studied the gold hoop in his ear.

FanficSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)