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I've tried to research this as best I can, but I'm no medic or doctor. The ICU is based on my own experience when my father-in-law was in there a few years ago after an abscess in his inner ear burst and went onto his brain. (Double check that ear infections have really cleared up, even after finishing antibiotics!) It was a very traumatic experience, seeing him that way and I wish no one ever has to go through it. On the upside, he made a very good recovery, and other than some memory and speech issues, he's back to normal thanks to the excellent care he received in there.

Sean's POV

All of this training, all of these years and there was nothing I could do, not a god damned thing!

"Doc!" I turned, hearing Kota call me. He was heading towards us and he looked about as messed up as I felt.

"Where is she?" I demanded.

"They took her in," he said and I could hear how close to breaking he was.

"Is she going to be alright?" Victor stepped forward with Owen right beside him.

"They won't tell us!" Nathan was soaking wet, wrapped in a Mylar Blanket, rubbing his hands through his hair in aggravation. "They won't tell us a fucking thing!"

"What were they doing? Did they get her straight onto a gurney? Did they work on her first?" I demanded, my eyes searching over Nathan for any injuries.

"They tubed her." Gabriel was with us now, the rest of my brothers minus North was behind him.

"She wasn't breathing, they tubed her before taking her away, we haven't seen anyone since," Silas added, his voice was croaky and I knew he was close to tears. We all were.

"Sean, you need to get information," Owen said briskly, he was in full controlled mode and I knew he would stay that way. I could see the banked pain in his eyes and I knew it was reflected in all of us.

"Where's North?" I asked Kota.

"They took him that way! He was okay but he's hurt his arm." Kota was starting to hyperventilate and I let my professional side take over, it was the only way I was going to get through this.

We got him to a chair and his head between his knees. Gabriel was not much better, if we lost her, this would break us completely.

"The old adage here is true. "No news is good news"," I told them all. "They're working on her, or they'd be out here by now."

"You mean she's alive?" Kota choked.

"Of course she's alive! She has to be alive!" Victor cried out. "You think she's dead?"

"Who's in charge here?" came a calm voice and I saw the attending doctor coming towards us.

"I am," I stepped forwards, knowing I'd get a lot further than Owen at the moment, "Doctor Sean Green from Municipal."

"Ah, Doctor Green, if you'd follow me, I'm Dr Peters and I've been attending Miss Sorenson." He turned and we had no choice but to follow him into a small waiting room. He made sure we were all in before he shut the door and turned to us.

"Miss Sorenson is stable at the moment, but still unconscious," he said quietly, I heard the others start to talk in relief but I had also heard the unsaid but. I stepped forward.


"Well, as you will now, the first seven hours are critical, we're doing all we can to bring her core temperature back up to level and this is going well, but slowly..."

"Glasgow coma scale?" I asked him, folding my arms and gripping my elbows, trying to ground myself.

"Seven," he said and I nodded once, bringing my hand up to pinch my nose closed. Seven, fucking seven; I wanted to punch someone.

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