Toe in tap.. but we do love you.

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I had a message from Wattpad saying they had made this story private, I have no idea what that means or why even. i have no idea whether you will even be able to see this and future chapters, I don't fully understand how Wattpad works to be honest.

Part Twenty Four

Kota's POV

My phone vibrated inside my pocket. Damn, I was just at the good bit of my book. Well, the whole thing is good, and I know what will happen. I've read this book so many times before; but there's something about orcs and hobbits and elves that just drags me in every time I open the cover.

I dragged my phone out, still reading as Frodo is struggling with Shelob. I slide my eyes quickly from the book to my phone; it was probably Gabriel bored, or... Mr Blackbourne's name shows and Frodo is thrown to the side.

Mr B has Sang tonight with the Doc. Is she hurt? It's a group text, oh this is not good. I open the message quickly.

Mr Blackbourne: Please make your way to Dr Green's for a family meeting in half an hour. If you have any trouble leaving what you are doing, please text me.

I have no problems leaving Frodo to the lair of Shelob. I'm worried now. Why would he convene a family meeting at short notice. I hastily tap my reply.

Kota: On my way.

I jump from my bed, glad that I had stayed in my trousers and shirt now. I had finished my homework and then leapt straight into Cirith Ungol with Sam and Frodo.

I negotiated the stairs and pop my head into the living room where my mom is sitting watching TV.

"I have to go out, Mr B has called," I tell her. She looks up and turns the sound down on the TV.

"Be back by 11, it's a school night, honey."

"He wouldn't call unless it was important," I tell her, I shrug into my jacket and pick up my keys from the side.

"I know," she sighs and gives me a smile. "Maybe you can have Sang come over for a meal soon? I've not seen her for awhile. Is everything ok with you two?"

"Everything's fine, mom, just busy with school. I'll come in quietly."

I drop a kiss on top of her head and leave. She has the sound back up by the time I open the front door.

I close the door and lock it for her.

"What do you reckon is up?"

I turn to seen Nathan jogging towards me; he looks as concerned as I feel.

"Luke just texted me," he said as we climbed into the truck and took off. "He and North are at the diner. They haven't finished their shift, but Uncle has let them go early. North is panicking."

My phone vibrated again and I slid it out and handed it to Nathan to read for me.

"Gabriel and Victor are on their way, they're picking up Silas as they go."

I nodded and he handed it back to me. I put it away and concentrated on staying just below the speed limit.

"Do you think there's more to this Bennet kid than we first thought?" he asked worriedly. "Do you think he's hurt her and she just didn't tell us before?"

"No, I don't think so," I said. "She would have said if he'd done something to her."

"What if she didn't know though. I mean that's why they're having these talks with her, getting her up to speed on sex. Fuck me, Kota, she didn't have a clue over those notes he sent her."

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