More dance lessons and detention

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Part Forty

Sang's POV

They were sorting out the sleeping arrangements as I sat curled on Gabriel's lap on the sofa. He was carding his fingers through my hair and it was putting me to sleep.

"Me and Nate can sleep with her tonight," Luke said.

"NO!" Both Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green spoke together and their voices were sharp.

Nathan looked at Luke and frowned before looking back at them.

"Sang was with you last night," Dr Green said and Mr Blackbourne carried on.

"North and Silas can share the bed with her tonight. You will have Miss Sorenson all weekend."

Nathan and Luke shrugged and North clipped him up the back of the head as he passed him heading for his turn in the shower.

"Stop being greedy," North chuckled.

"I think we ought to go to sleep now," Kota said as I snuggled deeper into Gabriel's hold. "One of us is almost asleep," he added with a chuckle and I became aware they were all looking at me.

"Off to bed, pookie," Dr Green ordered me and I debated trying to just stay where I was, but Gabriel shifted forward and I was taken from his arms by Silas.

"Come on, Aggele mou, bedtime."

I smiled sleepily at him and felt the others all kiss me goodnight. I murmured a goodnight back to them and then Silas was sliding me into the middle of the bed and I knew no more.


He was being held by gunpoint, but I had no idea who he was, but at the same time, I did know him. I was trying to yell at him that it would be alright, but he couldn't hear me. I felt as if I was behind a plate glass window, I could see it but I was helpless to prevent it. Three men completely dressed in black with balaclavas on were stood there holding automatic rifles pointed at him and they were shouting at him, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I yelled to get them to stop but they either didn't hear me or they ignored me. I tried to step forwards but something was holding me back. Someone had their arms around my waist tightly. I fought against the arms holding me unable to see who it was. I had to stop this. They were going to kill him. I was freed and I stumbled forwards and suddenly the three men were turning towards me. Their rifles up at their shoulders and their sights on me. I tried to back up, but I heard the sound of gunfire and I was falling backwards, knowing I had been shot at but not feeling any pain...

"Wake up! Sang! For fuck's sake wake up! I can't wake her up!"

I could hear raised voices and for a few seconds I thought it was the gunmen.

"They're here!" I cried out, but when I blinked, my breathing coming in short pants, it wasn't gunmen surrounding me. It was Silas, North and Dr Green.

North was holding my shoulders and I realised he had been shaking me. I was dreaming. Again.

I brought my hands to my face trying to wipe the images from my mind, I felt trapped still. North was still holding my shoulders and Silas had his hands on my waist.

"You're safe," Silas whispered but it made no difference, I could still see the gunmen aiming at me.

"What was it about?" North asked me quietly and I felt the bed dip. I looked up as Dr Green sat down, his worried gaze on my face. I saw Mr Blackbourne behind him now and the others were there too, hovering in the doorway looking worried.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"You didn't," Dr Green said. "North did, so don't worry about it."

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