Sang's POV
By the time Owen dropped us off I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable. The mud had dried and my hair was plastered to my face and frizzy on top. Gabriel would have a fit if I didn't wash it before going down to the Diner. In fact I was going to need a bath.
Owen remained me with long enough for North to nip down to Nathan's where there was a change of clothes, and then he went back to the Diner, leaving North to bring me in the Jeep when we were ready.
"You're going to have to have a shower," North said as I walked into the downstairs bedroom to see what I could change into that would be appropriate to wear.
"A shower? I was going to just have a quick bath," I said to him as I opened up the closet door that held some of my clothes.
"Oh... I forgot," he said and I looked over my shoulder at him. He was stood staring down at the bag of clothes he had his hand, his hair was still wet and looked darker than ever.
I drew the dark blue dress out that I had worn for Silas date, gathered underclothes, stocking and the correct shoes and came back out. He was still stood there staring at the bag and my heart broke.
"North?" I put the clothes on to the bed and went across to him, putting my hand on his arm.
He blinked a couple of times and looked at me, his eyes were clouded with sadness. I lifted my hand and stroked his cheek.
"North, I love you," I whispered and some of the sadness cleared as he smiled at me.
"I love you too, baby. Look, you have mud in your hair though," he chuckled and I frowned, how on earth had I got it into my hair?
"Come on," he said and took my hand with his free one. He lead me into the bathroom and to the bath. "Couple of extra minutes won't work," he said and letting go of me he reached for the taps.
"I can sort of do the shower," I said and resisted the urge to run the other way. "But I can't get directly under the spray yet and I've not gone in there alone." The thought of being in there with North made my lower stomach contract.
He looked up at me, over at the shower and then back at me. His forehead was creased with a deep frown as he looked at me.
"It's up to you, Sang baby," he said, with a shrug. "If you feel too frazzled from today, a bath will be fine."
"I want to try it," I said. "With you."
He straightened, the bag with his clothes in dropped to the floor as he turned to look at me. The frown had deepened slightly, but I saw the awareness enter his eyes too.
"Sang baby, I'm feeling a little.... I don't know if I could.." He stopped and I smiled at him.
"I trust you," I said and turned my back to him, looking over my shoulder at him. "Can you help me get the zipper please?"
His eyes dropped to my neck as I pulled my hair out of the way, he swallowed and I watched his adam's apple bob slightly. His chin was dark with stubble that he never seemed to be able to shave away completely, his dark eyes intent. He lifted his eyes to study me and he must have seen the acceptance in mine because he stepped forward and his fingers went to the top of my dress.
"Do you know how long it's been since I touched you?" he asked, his voice raspy as he slowly lowered the zip down my back. I could feel the fabric opening, moving across my sensitized skin, his knuckles brushing downwards as he lowered the zip.
"Too long," I replied and blinked when my voice was just as husky as his. I could feel heat pooling between my legs. He reached the end and brushed his knuckles back up my spine, making me suck in my breath.

Fiksi PenggemarSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)