Thank you so much everyone, I'm sooooo pleased you're still on board with this story. Your comments make me so happy. :) So thank you.
Here's the next part. It might be classed a cliffhanger, it might not. It was just getting so long and I wanted to get a chapter up tonight. I hope to get some more up tomorrow night.
Hope you all enjoy it still.....
Part Twelve
Sang's POV
It wasn't actually that bad; it never was really. Sometimes it was a little bland, but it was always edible. I had come to the conclusion that Mr Blackbourne just liked to wind Dr Green up about his cooking.
They made small talk through dinner while I managed to eat just over half of what Dr Green had put on my plate.
I speared the last carrot I could manage and popped into my mouth.
"So, I'm on shift from 6pm tomorrow night until 3am; I'll come home catch a bit of sleep and I'll get to the school in time for Study Hall," Dr Green said as he ate.
"Can you catch any sleep between then and your own class?" Mr Blackbourne asked and Dr Green nodded, taking a sip of his water.
"Yeah, as long as I don't have anyone hurt; I can catch a nap in the nurses office."
"I'll bring my paper work down there then; I'll run triage for you, try not to disturb you unless necessary."
Dr Green nodded and I looked between them.
"Have you finished?" Dr Green asked and looked down at my plate. I was expecting him to be disappointed that I hadn't managed to eat everything.
"Well done, pumpkin, that's the most you eaten with us yet," he declared happily.
I waited for a few minutes more and then got up to help them clear the table.
"Change of plans for tonight," Dr Green took the plate from my hand. "Go into the living room, make yourself comfy and read through those sheets I gave you. Make a note of any questions and we'll do our best to answer them after we've cleared up. Ok?"
I nodded and went off to get my bag from the front door. I could hear them clearing up as I sat on the sofa in the middle and curled my feet under me. I drew out the sheet of papers and was soon immersed in them.
They started off with a few that seemed ok, pills, injections, patches and then it went into things that sounded downright uncomfortable. There were pictures of some of them; to me they looked more like implements of torture, especially the IUD's. I dug into the bag and drew out my pen and marked a huge cross next to the ones that I knew I would never try.
At the bottom of the sheets were questions like, Are you organised enough to remember to take a daily pill? Are you uncomfortable with inserting into the vagina? That question was scary and I jumped to the next one about being happy with using contraception before sex.
I had just finished when they came back into the living room. Both of them had changed when they had first come home. Dr Green was wearing a button down white top, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with navy slacks and no shoes on his bare feet.
Mr Blackbourne had changed into a dark grey t-shirt and black cargo trousers, he had kept his dress shoes on. They both looked amazing as usual.
"How are you getting on?" Dr Green asked and slumped onto the sofa beside me, making me bounce slightly. I giggled as he jumped up a down a bit more making me bounce again.
He plucked the sheets of paper from my hand and and went through them, I watched Mr Blackbourne cross to the window and close the blinds; he switched on the main light and then sat down opposite us. He leant forwards, clasping his hands between his knees. I could see the muscles in his upper arms, pulling his t-shirt tight across his shoulders. I dragged my eyes away when Dr Green spoke again.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)