This was one chapter where I wished Americans called Umbrellas by their British nickname of a brolly, it's so much easier to write. :)
I hope you all enjoy this one, but I also want to let you know how much it means to me that you are all reading this, taking the time to vote and leave comments. It means a lot to me and really does feed my inspiration and my soul. Thank you.
Sang's POV
Tuesday's weather fitted the mood that seemed to hang over us all. It had been drizzling when we woke up and it had got steadily worse until it was almost a downpour. The funeral was at 11.30am and everyone had stayed home from school to support North, Luke and Uncle. I think that if Uncle had said he wasn't going then no one would have bothered, but this was family. And family never faced anything alone.
There were a lot of memories bound up in both Uncle and North and not all of them had been bad. Uncle had good memories of the man before he had fathered Luke and then hooked up with North's mom, and North had already told me that when the alcohol wasn't in him then he'd been fun to be around. It was just the bad times, the downward spiral that had lead to the way North was when Owen and the Academy had found him that North struggled with. Uncle struggled with matching the boy he had grown up with to the man he had become. It was a sad time for all of them.
Luke kept insisting that he was unaffected by it, and I think to some extent he meant it, but there had to be somewhere, at the back of his mind, the knowledge that his real father had just dumped him and run, to hook straight up with someone who was pregnant. He had never tried to get Luke, not even when he was with North's mom, and Luke must feel something, no matter how buried under denial. I knew that he would spend today looking after North and Uncle, and that he wouldn't give himself a second thought. Luke would need supporting just as much as the others.
I was glad Gabriel had been here today, I had no idea what to wear to a funeral, but he had gone through my wardrobe with the efficiency of the knowledgeable and then disappeared with Victor for an hour. When they had returned I was given a knee length black dress with a cinched in waist, white peter pan collar and tiny white buttons running down the front to my waist. They had also bought me a small handbag that would hold my phone and the lip gloss that Gabriel had slicked over my lips.
I was sitting now in Nathan's living room with the others; we were just waiting for Owen to bring Uncle, North and Luke from their house and then we were going to leave. We were taking Victor's BMW, and Owen's BMW; with North, Luke and Uncle going in a funeral car supplied by the funeral company. I was nervous and just wished that it would be over quickly. From what I was told there was just going to be a priest who was going to do a reading and then the coffin was going down into the ground and that was it. I had seen similar things on the TV, where everyone stood around the coffin and then put in roses when it was lowered, but that was always where the person who was being buried had been loved and respected. Tony Taylor had none of those things and I didn't know what to expect.
"Is Uncle going to say something?" Gabriel asked and I realised I wasn't the only one who had been thinking about it.
"I don't think so, I think it's just the priest with his reading and then the coffin will be lowered." Kota shook his head, his fingers going to his tie again. They were all dressed similarly in black suits and white shirts, but their ties were different; each one had a tie that was their favourite colour and I thought they all looked incredibly handsome. Dark three quarter length coats would go over their coats and I would wear my black duffle coat that Owen had bought me, along with with knee high black boots. I just wished it would stop raining.
Owen came into the room and I was taken aback enough to do a double take. He saw me and smirked.
"I rented it, if you're wondering," he said and I grinned. He had a black suit on, his tie was the silver one I had given him at Christmas. It was a three piece suit and I could see that silver chain leading from inside the waistcoat to the pocket on the outside. I wondered, once again, what it lead to.

Fiksi PenggemarSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)