A/N: Firstly, a big thank you to SilasAggeleMou, (Jennifer) for taking this and beta reading it. Thanks for all her hard work in correcting my mistakes, and British-ness. Any remaining mistakes and British-ness are mine, all mine.
Secondly, it seems like they can't stay out of trouble for five minutes, but there is a reason this needed to happen, plot wise... or at least I hope there is. I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Thank you for leaving me reviews and votes. I read each and every vote and I just wish I had the time to reply to them all. Sometimes I do, most times I don't. I'm not ignoring you, because when I read what you write, I wear a big grin all day. So thank you for sticking by me.
We're heading towards the chapter limit of WP, I can't get this done in the next 9 or so chapters left, so I will be making a new book. I may not get the 200 before I end this one and start another one, I'm not sure yet, I don't want it disjointed so I'm seeing where I can take it. Anyway. Thanks again for reading.
Uncle's name is a bit tongue in cheek, apologies. :) I couldn't resist it
Sang's POV
"You can't cheat here, Cupcake!" Luke called out as he zipped past me in his Go Kart. I laughed and put my foot down a little more to try and catch up with him. It had taken me longer to get used to the pedals and driving around, so for a few laps I had been quite slow. This was obviously not his first visit here, not even his tenth judging by the way he just got in and zoomed off. But I had the hang of it now and was determined to give him a run for his money.
We hadn't actually made it here until nearly two in the afternoon, but neither of us were complaining. We'd stayed in bed with the sauces for quite a while and when we finally made it into the shower. We stayed there for some time too. He had been so careful with me, making sure that I didn't go under the water directly; keeping the shower head hanging down so it wouldn't hit me in the face. I hadn't realised there were so many places sauce could get and how much fun it would be to remove it again. We spent most of the morning alternating between laughing and amazing sex, sometimes both at the same time. I was completely relaxed with him and I loved him so much it hurt.
I caught up with him now and stayed level in the lane marked next to him. There were a few younger kids around but they weren't old enough for this track and we had it to ourselves.
"What will you give me when I win?" He shouted to me, not taking his eyes off the lane.
"When?" I called back and sped up even more to overtake him as we came out of a corner.
He came right back and we were neck and neck as we raced over the finish line and slowed down to the side. The attendants jogged onto the track and helped with the harnesses and the crash helmets. Luke jumped from his kart and came over to me to help me out of mine.
"I've enjoyed this so much. We're going to have to go tree surfing again," he said as he pulled me into a hug.
"All of us?" I asked him excitedly and he nodded, burying his face into my neck.
"Yes, I'd love to help you beat North on the obstacle course," he chuckled and I giggled, my hands on his hips. He lifted his head and stepped back from me to sling his arm around my shoulders.
"One more go?" asked the attendant. "There's time if you want."
He looked down at me, but my stomach chose to rumble at that point and he chuckled.
"I think I ought to buy her dinner now," he said to them. They nodded, smiling at us. We thanked them and grabbing our coats we left the indoor arena and out to where the Jeep was parked.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)