Ghost of a smile

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Nathan's POV

I was sitting with Kota, one either side of her, of my peanut. We were holding her hands and sitting quietly. It was night time and because of that we weren't talking to her, just letting her know we are here through touch.

The Doc had told us that it was good to start to establish a routine with her, so even though she was asleep still, we would tell her when it was morning and when it was night time... but I was praying that she would be awake before it was night time again.

I had heard the Doc talking to the other doctors here and they were saying that they were happy enough with her to move her out of ICU and into her own room as soon as she woke up. I think that would be most probably when they would have her transferred to the Municipal. The Academy would arrange it all, send the ambulance needed and all the medical equipment needed and then I knew that the Doc would take over completely.

I think the doctors and nurses in here deserved medals actually, he was constantly at her charts, double checking what they were doing and if he wasn't happy with anything he was vocal about it. And considering that most of them in here were old enough to be his father, with years more experience, they never showed if it was rubbing them up the wrong way; to have another professional looking over their shoulders and questioning their every move and one still not through their residency.

Sang's fingers moved in mine and I studied her face carefully, looking for that telltale twitch of her eyelashes as she woke, but she remained motionless except her fingers.

"We're here, ten," Kota whispered. "It's four in the morning and still dark outside, but we're here, Nathan and I."

"Peanut," I brought her hand to my lips and her fingers once more curled around mine. It was getting more and more obvious that her movements were deliberate.

"Open your eyes, Sang," Kota said and I watched, but she made no other movement and he sank back sadly.

"It's ok, peanut. When you're ready," I whispered and kissed her again, but there was no more movement.

"She's going to be ok," I whispered to him and he looked up at me. Pain reflected in the red rimmed eyes behind his glasses. I knew he thought she'd died. I hadn't realised it at the time, too locked in my own agony seeing her being bundled into the ambulance and driven away. But his words in the waiting room when we'd see the Doc for the first time told me he had assumed the worst.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, reaching across with my other hand and covering both hers and his gently, careful not to disturb the IV. "I saw you hitting him, I didn't realise that you hadn't seen them get her...." I stood up, leant right across and put my mouth by his ear so Sang couldn't hear me.

"They got her heart started really quickly, Kota, I'm sorry you didn't see that. I would have told you... I didn't realise you thought she was...." I couldn't bring myself to say it outloud. I heard his breath hitch and a sob left his throat that I wouldn't comment on.

"I just saw them tubing her and getting her into the back, I thought they were too...." He stopped and I brought my forehead down onto his shoulder as he buried his face into my neck, I could feel the tears soaking my sweater.

"Am I ever going to stop crying like a girl?" he finally sniffed as he sat back, dragging a tissue from his pocket to wipe his nose.

"I think we've all cried a river," I told him. "But it's going to be ok, Kota."

"Yeah, it is," he nodded and leant forward to kiss her cheek. "Because you are going to wake up real soon, ten. You hear me?"

The noise that left her lips made us both jump, but it was in joy. It wasn't a word, it wasn't anything remotely understandable but it was enough of a response to get us excited.

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