Korean Messages

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Oh ladies, you make me happy :D You're really kind. :D

I hope this one works.

Please note the events of HOK have not happened. I really didn't like the way Theo was dealt with and I have a feeling that C.L.Stone is going to use that later on with Sang's doubts. Anyway.... I don't intend on going into Silas' past, but Theo is seen. Sorry.

Another blinking hard one to write. I'm still on Friday, but once the weekend is over, I will speed things a lot as it'll just get more boring. :D

Thanks for sticking with me.

Part Seventy-Six

Sang's POV

I hadn't realised how big a single bed could be. Or how much I could physically hurt not being with the boys I loved. I knew that this was my idea, I knew that I had the prepaid phone, I knew that they wouldn't really leave me or that I had left them. But the devastation of shutting the door on Kota and Nathan had been intense. I had made it to my room and then collapsed face first onto the bed and cried.

We had gone over and over what we were going to do. The phones we had were what Victor called "Burners". It meant that they were pretty much untraceable by anyone. There was no Wifi on them and the GPS was switched off. I could only ring with them though, not text. Victor had explained that texting was very unsecure as it was sent out without encryption. He said that if we started to encrypt texts and Volto was able to pin point them it would automatically tell him that we were still in communication and the whole thing would be pointless. I could only call the numbers that were on the phone and not anyone's iphone as he could then link the two if he was able to monitor the iphone calls. Mr Blackbourne had told me that the phone would be replaced every four days and that I was to destroy the old phone by taking it apart and flushing the sim card down the toilet. The battery and phone I was to put into the garbage immediately before it was collected. I was not to leave it in the garbage overnight. I had started to get a bit more of an idea as to how well trained they were. They thought of things I would never have thought of, even to the point that they were anticipating Volto going through the garbage. It seemed like overkill to me, but I hadn't said anything. They obviously knew what they were doing.

I rolled over onto my back, wiping at my face. Tonight was going to be hard, tomorrow was going to be even harder. Kota was going to call for me to take me to school. I was going to refuse and instead take the bus, they would then take the bus with me, but I was supposed to ignore them. And I had to do it for as long as it took to get Volto to try and contact me. If he was going too.

I closed my eyes tightly and hugged my pillow. I would try to pretend they were there with me. I would keep my eyes closed and convince myself I was not alone.


Mr Blackbourne's POV

Sean was hunched over my shoulder, his breath ghosted over my ear and kept fogging up the left lens of my glasses. I sighed, removing them, I didn't have the heart to remove him. He was practically plastered to my back and to be honest, the contact was helping me too.

"She's crying," he whispered and I nodded. We had waited until Kota had sent us a text telling us that she was home and then we had opened up the security cameras in her house until we had found her curled on her bed. I knew that everyone of my brothers were watching the same scene and feeling just like I did.

"God, I hope he acts quickly, well no, I hope he drops dead," he snorted, his eyes glued to the screen.

"When we catch him we need to decide what to do about him," I murmured. "If we hand him over to the Academy we will expose Sang, if we hand him over to the police we will expose Sang. We're going to be caught between a rock and a hard place."

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