Ok, don't shoot me please. This next part may well finish you all with this story, but I had to go there for my own peace of mind. It's been worrying me in the books and I needed to work it out in my own head. I don't know how CL. Stone is going to work it out, but it's definitely something she needs to consider. I can work quite happily through to the next level with them all now. But I had to get through this first.
Another thing... I know Dr Green doesn't swear in the books, but I think if he's under a lot of stress he would. Which is why when this Dr Green gets angry or worried he swears.
I've posted this earlier because it is slightly shorter, but I wanted to get it out here as a separate post. I will try and post a bit more later tonight.
*takes cover and whispers: "please don't hate me"*
Part Nineteen
Dr Green's POV
I couldn't wake her enough to be able to safely leave her in the bath. She was completely exhausted and I wasn't surprised. She had fallen asleep the moment her head had touched my shoulder in the back seat of Owen's car. Nathan and Gabriel were staying with her tonight, but I had wanted to make sure she was settled alright, so Owen had said we'd take her home from the restaurant we'd eaten diner in and they would meet us here.
"She could drown if I wake her enough to get into the bath, Owen," I said as I carried her up the stairs of her house. Owen was behind me. I saw the door of her sister's bedroom open and her sister, Marie poked her head out. She looked down at Sang in my arms and went back in banging her door shut behind her.
"Nice," I murmured. Her sister had shown no concern about Sang being practically comatose in my arms, so much so that her arm was hanging down and her head was backwards over my elbow. She snorted and turned her head to the side making me laugh.
"She snores," I said as Owen pulled the sheets back and I slid into the bed. "I can't leave her like this."
Owen turned to her wardrobe and found a set of sleep shorts and a baggy top, while I took her boots and socks off.
Wordlessly we worked to get her t-shirt off over her head and into the baggy to; I tried really hard not to look at her breasts contained in the pale pink bra but it was hard when they were right in front of me.
I was glad when the sleep shirt slid over her head covering her up. Her trousers were next; I composed myself and put my best doctor's face on as I undid the button and zip. Owen helped me tug them down and I saw the matching pair of panties; a tiny white bow on the edge that begged for me to undo it, with my teeth.
We worked the trousers down her legs and I couldn't help but remember how I had rubbed them earlier, it had turned us both on. I just wasn't sure if she knew it was turning her on. I had made myself name each muscle out loud in an effort to stop myself from going too far with her.
Owen slid her shorts up her legs and I lifted her enough to cover her and then we were sliding her down onto her bed and covering her with the blankets. She didn't stir once, and had I not known what she had done all day, I would be alarmed at her lack of response.
"She's incredible," Owen murmured and I watched as he slid his hand through her hair, releasing the plait Gabriel had put it in.
"I expected her to give up so many times today and she never did," I smiled and sank down on the end of the bed.
"I underestimated her again," he murmured and I shrugged.
"I think we all did, Owen. Nathan knows how close he came to nearly being beaten by a girl," I chuckled and he smirked, sitting onto the bed beside her, his fingers working through her hair gently, releasing the braids carefully.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)