Sang's POV
"You need to check for breast cancer," Dr Green said quietly as Mr Blackbourne pulled out of the car park. We were headed back to school and I was a little disappointed that my outing with them was coming to an end.
"When you're in the bath, you just feel around, pressing lightly, check under your armpits, around your nipples. Lumps, puckered skin, discharge from your nipples, anything you're not sure of, tell me immediately. Check at different times of the month, get a feel of what your breasts feel like normally. Breast cancer in young women is very rare, but something you need to be aware of. Ok?"
"Yes," I nodded, he was looking down at his phone and then he turned and handed it back to me.
"Look at this five steps webpage," he said as I took the phone from him.
I read through the five steps, looking at the line drawings and then handed it back to him.
"Any questions?" he asked, slipping his phone into his pocket.
"I don't think so," I replied, "I'll start doing that though."
"Excellent, I should have told you ages ago, it was stupid of me to think you'd already be aware of it."
"It's fine," I said.
"Well, I can tell you from wonderful first hand knowledge that there is nothing to worry about."
I covered my mouth to stop the giggles that wanted to break free.
"Ok, changing the subject," Mr Blackbourne said. "Are you comfortable with what to do should Mr Hendricks call for you this afternoon?"
I sobered up quickly as I remembered what I was to say.
"I know what to say," I said quietly and looked out of the window, "Maybe he won't call for me."
"Maybe pigs can fly," Dr Green said softly. "He will know that you missed school this morning. He will also know that both of us were missing too, it won't take much for him to jump to conclusions and he is going to want to know what we were up to. It may not be today he calls you, it might be tomorrow, but he will want to know what's going on."
"When you get called in, we will be watching and listening, ok? When you come out, come straight down to us. If he escorts you out, go to the music room and we'll come to you."
"What's the betting he sends for her through my class," Dr Green moaned.
"Probably," Mr Blackbourne replied. "Which reminds me, Miss Sorenson, HEA classes will be starting again soon, next week I think. Mr Hendricks has told the Nurse that she has to take all the classes and can't rely on Sean."
"It's going to be a re-cap and then a test during your midterms, Ok?" Dr Green said, looking back at me, I nodded at him. My nerves started to kick in, midterms were coming up and my schooling this year had been very hit and miss. I knew that Kota had kept me up with everything, but I still felt as if school had been the last thing on my mind this year.
"Midterm exams start in two weeks," Mr Blackbourne said. "Progress reports the week after; you'll be fine, Miss Sorenson," he added, catching my eye on the rear view mirror.
I said nothing, but I wished I had his confidence.
"You're keeping up," Dr Green said to me, still looking back at me. "You're getting A's in most subjects, B's in the rest and you're not working for a scholarship to a University."
I shook my head. Before I met them, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do when I left high school and went to College. Now I had met them, I still had no idea what to do academically, but the stress had been taken away. I knew that I would be able to try what I wanted and see what I liked. The idea that Mr Blackbourne had planted about languages had interested me. But I had no rush now and for that I was grateful.

FanfictionSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)