I'm sorry this has been longer in coming than I hoped. It was quite hard to write and I'm still not sure I got everything out that should have been. I was also surprised at who stood up on this one. Whern I started to write it, it was someone else entirely, but then.... well, see what you think.
Sang's POV
"How do you think you all did?" Adam asked me as he worked on a knot on my shoulder that made me groan.
"Ugh," was all I could manage as he pressed deeply and held it.
"We did ok, Adam," Gabriel laughed from my left where a man called "John" was working on his back. "And I'm sure Sang did well too."
"Good, good, now you lie there and relax and let me work out the stress," he said happily to me and I was all too willing to just let him do that.
Victor lay on my right side, but all I could see was the floor beneath the table as Adam's amazing fingers did the trick.
We had taken our last exams on Wednesday morning and that had left the afternoon free. So Victor had booked for me and Gabriel to have the massages and then the sauna. It was wonderful and I didn't stop thanking him till Adam laid his hands on me and words became groans.
Victor had offered for us all to use the spa, but North, Luke and Silas had decided they'd rather go with Mr Blackbourne back to the house to see what had been done. Kota and Nathan were undecided until Victor said they could skip the massage and go straight to the sauna. They were currently in there now, sweating out the stress. I'm sure that was wonderful too, just not as wonderful as Adam.
The family meeting had been postponed from last night to tonight because Silas, North and Luke had to stay at his place with Theo in the evening.
We were going back to Victor's and then everyone was going to join us later. Sean had to work the graveyard shift so he had gone back to the house to get some sleep in before he came to Victor's later. He was going to stay with us until he had to go work.
I was a little nervous about the meeting tonight as I knew they were going to put my idea to the everyone and I knew for a fact that they were not going to sit there and agree. I was going to have to work to convince them that it was going to work. I could see them using what had happened with Blake, Volto, taking me and I knew that it was a reasonable argument. I knew now just how much it had affected them and to let Mr Hendricks drive me out of school to wherever they choose was not going to go down well. But I was desperate for Mr Hendricks to go down for what he had done. He was no better than Tim and I knew that it wasn't just me that he was blackmailing. It had to be stopped and this was a chance that we just had to take.
"You are supposed to be relaxing," came the stern tones of Adam. "You have just tightened up all your shoulder muscles. Stop worrying! You have done your best, now you lie there and relax."
I realised that Adam was right and I forced myself to relax, I would shove it all to the back of mind and deal with it later.

FanficSang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Made by the Awesomely clever, Katy Did. Thank you so much. :)