Dresses and dance lessons

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Hope you enjoy this and thank you so much for all your comments. :D

Part Thirty-Six

Sang's POV

"It was most probably an accident, but no one is allowed back into school today," Mr Blackbourne was saying. I was still curled up on Silas' lap on the grass. His arms were around me and his head rested on mine as we listened.

"One of the kids, Roberts, was saying that someone had left a bunsen burner on and it had caught light to a stack of papers," Kota said and Mr Blackbourne nodded.

"Yeah, I heard three kids saying the same, they were all in that area when it happened," Gabriel nodded.

I was watching as the fire crews who had arrived to put out the fire were now starting to leave the building. Smoke was still drifting from the windows but it was white now and not the black of something burning. I watched as Mr Hendricks was stood talking to them, his hands on his hips and his head down.

"The buses are arriving to take everyone home," Victor said.

"He's in trouble for this one though," Dr Green spoke up as he came over, he was the last to arrive back. "It spread through three classrooms because the sprinkler system didn't work."

"They weren't working as we walked out," I said and Gabriel looked down at me, shaking his head.

"They don't work like that, each sprinkler works on it's own and reacts to extreme heat. If you light a match under one of them, only that one will go off; saves everything getting soaked if the fire is localised."

"That makes sense," I said and he winked at me.

"What does he want?" Luke suddenly said and we turned to see Rocky jogging towards us with Jay and a few others behind him.

"Hey, North, Silas, coach wants us all on the field, wants to use the time to practise," called Rocky as he stopped a little way from us. He looked around at the others but said nothing to them. His eyes fell on me and he grinned at me.

"Are we allowed in the locker rooms?" North demanded and Jay shrugged at him.

"I don't think they care much about that side of the school."

"Mr Taylor, Mr Korba, off you go then," Mr Blackbourne said. Victor reached forward and hauled me off Silas and onto my feet and then he let me go. I saw Jay watching me but I pretended not to notice.

Silas jumped up and dropped a kiss on top of my head.

"I'll see you later, Aggele mou," he whispered and then he and North were jogging off with the others.

"Coach is determined they're going to win this weekend," Luke snorted. "He has them practising every day this week, even Friday afternoon before they leave."

"It's a shame their two best players don't really care one way or the other," Gabriel laughed.

"But you're all so competitive," I said and flushed when they turned to look at me.

"We're competitive when it counts," Dr Green said grinning at me. "North and Silas don't care about winning this school a trophy. If they'd started off from the beginning here it might be different."

"Although I think Silas would have been in the baseball team instead," I said and he nodded at me.

"Yes, most probably," he agreed.

"Ok, so what does everyone want to do seeing as we're out all day..." Nathan spoke up.

"Heads up, here comes Hendricks," Victor muttered.

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