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Part Forty-Three

Sang's POV

I let Gabriel pull and tug at the dress and then he was nodding his head.

"Yes, this is good! This is perfect, you look beautiful," he said as he fluffed out the dress again at the bottom.

"It's a beautiful dress," I agree as I run my fingers down the bodice of the dress. We had come to pick it up and Gabriel had insisted on trying it on for one last fitting, which made sense.

He slapped my fingers away from the bodice.

"You'll ruin it, leave it alone," he said and sliding his fingers into the front of the bodice he tugged it left and right slightly.

"Meanie!" I said but he was concentrating on getting it right.

"You have gorgeous breasts, Sang. I know this first hand," He gave me a wink. "But they have to sit right in the in built bra or else it looks like your deformed."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. His eyes were on my breasts still, a calculating look in his eyes as he studied the dress. I looked down at myself, they seemed fine to me, but it was difficult to see from this angle.

His hand suddenly appeared in my line of vision, moving straight towards my breast and for one horrible split second it wasn't Gabriel it was Tim. I reacted before I could even think.

"Don't touch me!" I said, lifting my hands and backing up several steps.

"Trouble?" I realised the instant I had done it that it wasn't Tim. I covered my face with my hands.

"I'm sorry, Meanie, I'm so sorry," I mumbled.

"Hey, look at me," he said, but made no move to touch me. I lifted my head, not knowing what I would see on his face, in his eyes.

I saw understanding and a little bit of banked anger, but I knew it wasn't aimed at me. There was no pity and for that I was grateful.

"Did that fucker try to touch your breasts?" he asked and I shivered in revulsion as I remembered.

"Yes, I pushed him back though," I muttered.

"But he tried," he said and ran a hand through his hair and then he was stepping closer to me. "I'm sorry I startled you."

"It's not you, Meanie, it's me. I know it's you here, I was being silly."

"No, you weren't, you were reacting to the memory of it, same reaction anyone would have. He had you cornered, Trouble, with no way out. That's gonna fuck with anyone's head. I have an idea, do you trust me?"

"Of course, I do!" I said quickly.

"Watch my hands, only my hands," he said and I saw him slide off all the rings he wore and put them in his pocket. "Keep looking at my hands."

I did and when he lifted them towards my breasts, my breathing caught. I wanted to step back again, but I knew this was Gabriel, my Meanie, it wasn't Tim. I watched as his fingertips grazed my breasts and then his whole hands were covering them. I was breathing heavily, but it wasn't because he was affecting me, it was fear, plain and simple, and I hated it. Ice was forming in my veins and I struggled against the feelings. This was stupid, this was Gabriel, Tim hadn't even touched me, but seeing his hands moving towards me had sparked an unwanted memory.

"Who's touching you, Sang?" he whispered.

"You," I mumbled. "You are, Gabriel, it's you." I was surprised when a drop of water landed on his fingers. Another followed and I realised that I was crying. I bit my lip, trying hard to stop the tears but they were overwhelming me.

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