Unknown Caller

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Part Seventy-Three

Sang's POV

I had thought that we were going to over the music notes that I had already learnt. But as soon as I got through the music room door, my bags were taken from me by Dr Green who locked the classroom door and then slid a chair under the handle as well.

"You look very elegant, Miss Sorenson, but I have to admit to hoping you would wear a skirt with more give today. I should have warned you," Mr Blackbourne said, indicating for me to go to him. He was stood in the middle of the room with his suit jacket off, his tie missing and his sleeves rolled up. I swallowed, wondering what was going on.

"I want you to try and get out of holds today," Mr Blackbourne said and I realised they were going to do some self defence. "Please remove your phone."

I drew it out and placed it on the table and then moved back to Mr Blackbourne.


Before I could do or think anything, Dr Green had an arm wrapped around my throat and another gripping the elbow of my left arm. He held me tight against his body. The air whooshed from my body and I realised the move of going for his ears and flipping him was not going to work as he had a firm hold on my arm.

I instinctively moved my right hand to his arm to loosen his hold on my throat. He wasn't hurting me, but I realised just how strong he was and I knew he wasn't even using half of his strength.

"Think. What did Kota teach you," Mr Blackbourne barked.

"Soft parts," I said and he nodded and stepped forward.

"Bend backward from your knees to create space, headbutting at the same time. Bring your fist back into his groin, elbow to the stomach, slam up to the face straightening your arm, turn and bring him down."

He walked me through it and I nearly had it.

"Again," he said.

"You won't hurt me," Dr Green said in my ear. "And I won't hurt you."

I nodded and once again he was putting his arm around my throat, but this time before he could grab my elbow I was bending my knees, bringing my head back, even as I brought my fist back into his groin, elbow to the stomach, arm straight to the face, turned and he went down, his arm at an akward angle. It had been done slowly and with no real force, but it worked and I was elated.

"I did it," I said and Dr Green grinned up at me.

"Indeed you did, and what should you be doing now instead of grinning?" Mr Blackbourne asked me.

"Running," I said and he gave me a millimetre smile.

He stepped forward and then he had both hands around my throat, his arms out stretched. I brought my hands to his forearms.

"Waste of time, Miss Sorenson," he shook his head. Dr Green was on his feet and he came over and opened the top of Mr Blackbourne's shirt.

"The Clavicle, extend your hand and press there," he told me.

"Any pressure there and you're cutting off his air. As you press, turn into that arm and it breaks his hold on you, turn and run. Good!"

"If someone comes up from behind," Dr Green turned me and placed his hands around my throat from behind.

"Turn, bringing your arm, windmill as you turn back towards him, bringing your other hand into a karate chop against his neck," Mr Blackbourne walked me through it and I tried it.

"If you're walking by yourself anywhere for any reason, hold something in your right hand. Key, pen, anything that you can use to strike the neck of your attacker as you turn around. The moment you are free, you run." Dr Green said.

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